The son he never knew

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Tyler was no stranger to wrestling. His father was one of the top superstars in WWE and you yourself had wrestled for a few years. Wrestling ran in his blood but he was completely unaware of this. You had kept his parentage a secret for three years and it was getting increasingly difficult for you to keep lying to him as your son grew up to be more like his father everyday. Tyler had never asked who his father was but the older he got the more you felt the need for him to know the truth. When you found out you were pregnant you stopped wrestling and slowly lost contact with the friends you had made at NXT. The one man you were desperate to get in touch with was unattainable, so eventually you just gave up on the idea and got on with your life


Tyler was jumping up and down in front of the TV as you prepared his lunch and you smiled at him as he screeched with delight at the sight of his favorite wrestler Seth Rollins appearing on the screen


''I see baby'' you replied. The mere mention of the man's name made your stomach knot ''Eat your lunch sweetie'' 

You and Seth had a brief fling when you were still in NXT, you met him one day when you were both at the performance center and you hit it off immediately. You didn't even consider what you had to be a 'relationship'. You both acted out of lust but cared for each other a lot. After a while though you naturally drifted apart

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

''Bro. You'll never guess who I just saw'' Dean said as he stepped through the door of Seth's Iowa home

The former team mates often hung out together on their days off and this week it was Seth's turn to play host 

''Who?'' Seth's asked as Roman eagerly grabbed the grocery bags from Dean's hand, rummaging through them


''Seriously?'' Seth asked, his interest peaking as he heard your name

''Yeah'' Dean replied as he sat himself down on the couch ''She was in the grocery store, I called out to her but I don't think she heard me''

''Why would she be in Iowa?" Romam commented "No offense Seth, but it's pretty sparse here''

''She's got family here" Seth explained "She's probably visiting them''

He had always regretted the way things had ended between you and he hoped to remain friends and maybe even start over, but when you left without a word he gave up hope

''She looked pretty busy though, was running around after this little kid" Dean added "Couldn't have been much older than three. Cute little guy''

''I didn't know she had a kid'' Roman said

''She doesn't'' Seth replied

''Well she must have one now because he was calling her mummy'' Dean argued

For the rest of the day Seth stayed quiet as Dean and Roman spoke amongst themselves. It was easy for them, they didn't know you like he did, they didn't share your bed and now all the thoughts of you that he had tried so hard to push to the back of his mind were now coming to the surface

''We need to do something'' Dean announced as soon as Seth left the room

''About what?'' Roman asked

''About Seth" Dean explained "He has hardly said a word since I told him that I saw (Y/N). He still loves her, it's obvious!'' 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After spending the weekend with your parents you were back at home. Tyler was coloring in the next room and you were doing some housework when your phone rang

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