Hello Hope

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A shiver went through my spine and a cold feeling on my back made me uncomfortable.There was something off about Stefan I could tell.But whenever I thought about I it and looked up, I forgot what to say,what to think.
"I'm Stefan"
"I am aware.I mean-I'm aware of that,not that my name is aware,How weird would that be"
"I am hope."
Stefan's mouth twitched in amusement.I mean he had this intimidating guy thing going on.You'd  stutter too,trust me.
"Hello Hope"
Honestly I don't know what the heck is wrong with me.despite the fact that I am a witch, a vampire and a wolf I am only five feet two inches tall.I had to look all the way up to meet his eyes.

"You won't wanna take that corridor if you are walking unauthorized.That is your locker.Dont you have your locker combination?"
"Yea-Wha-No-what did you say?"I didn't hear a thing.I was too busy staring at his neck.
Boy,I am creepy.
I rubbed the seashell belonging to the seashell necklace I'd made when I was 15.I rubbed it whenever I was nervous.
I was partnered with Tim Avons.Who was not exactly a picture of ugliness.Boy was he curious
"Are you any good?"
"In chemistry?"I asked "Are you?"
Not that I was insinuating him or something.I just had to live with the secret that most people in my school still lived with monkey brains.oh and the fact that I am a tribrid.That too.
He seemed overtly eager to talk and I'd say that he was some weird creep who was into me.
But no.
If weird creep is being used in a sentence it's all me and I am a dorky wizard who has sworn her allegiance to all fandoms (except twilight of course.I mean,Bella,pfft)
My hairstyle stays the same more or less.I can't even pull off bangs,because of my curly hair.Wonder where I got that.
"Now Hope,would you mind pointing out the fault in the equation that your partner has noted" We were being assessed for our first activity.
Professed Dellore was a burly man in his mid thirties,with a tiny bald head and he had a mole on his face.I stared at the mole.
I raked my brains and sighed with annoyance.
"Balancing the equation" I muttered.
"Class, the key to an equation is balancing.Miss Filch and Mr Archer you are next."Proffeser Dellore continued.
I was not a nerd.But I was super annoyed when Amanda Filch got an A.She flipped her bouncy black hair in satisfaction.
"It's all right Hope,chemistry is for everyone" I glared at her.
My lab partner on the other hand had to a fate far worse.
But he looked so sorry I simply smiled and picked up his pencil.
My spidy senses told me lunch was going to be horrible.So I ignored my rumbling stomach and wandered off.
Just wandered off.
I am getting crazier by the second.
And guess who I bumped into.
Stefan Salvatore of course.
If I didn't know any better I'd say that he is giving an Edward Cullen-ish vibe.
He was sitting under a statue scribbling away in a green field,completely secluded from the rest of the school.
He didn't see me.
But I did. I mean he was in a grey shirt blue jeans and his hair.
I could write sonnets about each strand.
So I admit I was a little distracted.Which explains what happens next.
I fell,tumbled and landed on my butt, under a tree.Ouch and so graceless.And imagine the dirt on my clothes.
Ah vanity.
Now to address the biggest conundrum, running towards me.
"Hope..is that u?"a sparkle of mischief ignited his eyes as he held out him hand to help me up.
Blushing profusely I replied
I stood up refusing his help,held my head high, parading like the strong and awesomely independent person I was only to stumble, and Stefan being the gentleman that he was put his hand around my waist to straighten me.
My cheeks heated up.
I thought it wasn't possible to be any more embarrassed.
I was wrong.
My breathing became sharp and I looked up, our eyes locking.
"You're hurt."he said
Suddenly stefan withdrew his hands to his pockets and mumbled a hasty goodbye.
I looked up about to tell him to take out his wand so we could begin the unbreakable oath of concealing the secret of my fall.(HP reference)
But he was gone.....
And then there was only one thing I could do.
I texted
To: PGnecessary
SOS ,911 Armageddon etc
I need you in Mystic Falls
My gorgeous readers,
Jolly good to finally update.
I have a huge notebook submission tomo.
On a more relevant note, Am thinking bout shipping Mikaeltore.
I'll only update if u vote and comment.
Nah I'm joking,am too awesome to impose that law...
Love Yaa
Hayley(your awesome author)

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