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Sorry about the pic
I just had to😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
How will I be Cinderella without my fairy godmother?
There are three kinds of lies
1)one for the sake of the listener(lie lies)
2)for the sake of the speaker (damned lies)
3)the one created merely for making the day interesting.This category kept cheering on the bleachers 'QUEEN HOPE'(statistics)
Because hope Mikaleson acted like she owned this one
(I just forgot the entire story gotta go read it once.Now I am back)
"What were you doing near my home,Hope?"
Also Hope Mikaelson wasn't one who enjoyed emotional chatty chatty.
"Finding a nice place to paint my sorrows away.Capture the beauty of the world before ecological destruction got the better of it.Walking."
"Honestly Steffybear take you pick."
Of all the things he could have said to chastise me ,Stefan handcomed his perpetually disheveled hair and said
"Now why do you call me that?"
Fortunately useless thinking was my bae.So a lil bit relaxed and totally chilled I answered
"Look Steffybear there a cycle.Its call the nickname cycle.The evil creep Axel Blackbird calls me Hopeless.Now poor Hopeless what's she gonna do?So Hopeless called you Steffybear It soothes her delicate ego you see."
"Self deprecating as usual.Hopeless I missed you."
"And I didn't miss you at all."
Stefan said nothing he kept staring into the hearth still smiling a nice sweet smile that lit up his antique face.
(Pun intended)
"U didn't have a life without me,now.Did you?I asked Axel Blackburn.Silences gave me creeps.Silences before chemistry classes sitting next to creepyBird gave me phenomenal creeps.
Don't ever watch Axel Blackbird toss a coin in 
"Actually......yes Hopeless I was riding into the sunset to my bachelor pad-"
"Until I crashed my Mini Cooper into your carriage.Right Blackbird?" responded partially to annoy him.He clenched his fist to resist correcting me no hopeless it's Blackburn
"Why are you doing that?"I lifted one of the flaps of the headphone covering my ears to listen to Marcel speaking
"Doing what?"
"Listening to music and drawing?"
"Good god, I'd hoped the question would be rhetorical,Marcel"
"Hey look at you stocking the refrigerator.U never do that?"
"Oh well we all have hobbies Miss SUBJECT DEFLECTOR"
"I don't know I guess I was missing her.She always said that 'Hope sweetie draw,it's the best beauty sleep you can get.Your father loved doing that.'I can't draw well is besides the point."
Marcel nodded picking up his car keys from the kitchen table
"Are you leaving.So soon?"
"I am going to bring your aunt back."
"I have a better idea."
"And what is it?"
"Take me with you"I said blocking his way.
"At least tell me what's going on don't be so vague."I admitted finality.
"Have a seat then."
"Very well"
So here is a short summary of what Marcel told me for the sake of humanity.
Every month Rebekah follows leads
Leads that lead her to my father.
Every month she comes back.
Usually she sends her minions to do the work.
Now she found an important lead.
Marcel promptly left after that saying Rebekah should be back soon
Was that a good sign?Or a bad one?
"Have mercy on the paper Hopeless."
"What do you care,Axel,for crying out loud.Super compassionate towards paper."
"Well one might call incessant scribbling a pain to watch."
"And one might call your nonsense-oh I can't do this.Go draw cookies."
"Nobody draws cookies,Hopeless."
"Oh well."I said taking the sketch pad from Axel and creating a gorgeous chocolate chip.
"Good.Now I am hungry"
"See Hopeless,every chocochip comes with a price."
"Oh don't ONce Upon A Time me.Youve seen what?Ten episodes.You are such a girl
"Eight,Hopeless.You don't know how it's like to live without Netflix hopeless.Its a dark dark world,"
Why did you parents name you Symphony phony?"
"Hipsters that's why.Oh Symph,you know you are so unique sweetie."
"That.Will.Not.Fit.You.Dont you dare ruin the skirt that was worth two months of my allowance,Hope Mikaelson.Also that adjustments I had to make.The teal wraparound around the edges cost me another weeks allowance."
"But the purple sequins and lacing through the edges were easy."continued Symphony
"Because you found out that you are the sole heir to a small country in Europe called by any chance, Genovia."
"Nope my mom sued the toilet cleaner company.But,same difference"
I choke on my milkshake hearing that.
"Yeah right"
I say as I put the glass down.
Symphony Queen ruled our school
A very puny surname she had.
Here is a fact
She wore nice clothes
Here is another fact
She could do magic with them
Like Elsa
I tied around the feathery mint coloured skirt that was oh I don't know It isn't like I cart around the neighbourhood with my mirror.
The skirt had a violet bow and I could tell by the careful design and intricacy that it was worth the work.
Why Symphony was not wearing it?
Symphony:Hello Ms Jenkins(our sweet sassy principal.)
Jenkins:Oh darling what a fabulous day it is.Would you mind wearing clothes today or the 21zt caveman you were going for.
**Minutes later**
This happened
I got a marvellous skirt and Symphony got the jamstained boot cut jeans.
My crop top was the picture of a rainbow saying RAINBOW HAS IT.
But it rocked.
Whistling this town to myself I open the door of my house.
Someone's sitting on the sofa.
I notice a porcelain face and strands of blond in perfect symphony
"When I wouldn't exactly call that dress..conspicuous.But yay.My baby is wearing a skirt."
"Rebekah"I say in shock.
Author's Note
Hello(Rachel voice) Munchkins
Guess who's back.
Not Tris Prior(ouch)
Not Tvd(18 days to go!)
Also guess what
Am going to a kingdom far far away with my f.r.i.e.n.d.s
Soooooo Awesome
Right kiddos
On a relevant note who's your favourite character
Pray tell
Okay do comment
Because no one everydoes that
I love you all
Vote and comment
Okay wish me Happy Journey
Holly Hills

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