Without Adult Supervision

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"I am leaving u alone,without adult supervision  in Mystic falls.You'd better behave."announced Aunt Rebekah.
"No you aren't you are testing me or something? I swear if I did drugs you would have found out" I admitted.
"No,I am serious"
"Liar liar fangs on fire"
"I have to meet someone "
"Could you be any vaguer?"
"No I couldn't"
"But you do get sarcasm. don't you?
"I.alone.in?this town? We have the  dance thing-y coming up?The one time I need your super fashionista skills."
"Honey,I know things are going to awfully glum without you aunts Becks.But somethings have to be done.She kissed my forehead,smiling a kind smile and she squeezed my hand.
24 hours ago
"Someone's come to see you.I repeat, someone's come to see you, hope"
Rebekah yelled at me lifted the headphones.
"I knew buying them for you was a death trap and that Netflix!Oh Hope!"She said.
I looked up blinking furiously.I was sitting cross legged on my bed watching reruns of Teen Wolf in the dingy solace of my room.

She glared.
I glared.
"That Ste- something guy is here."
"The Stefan Salvatore in my humble abode!"Rebekah's eyes widened in shock,confusion and horror.
I jumped up in a swift motion.Absent mindedly running my hands through my hair.I waved my hand in front of her only to elicit a rather displeasing response.
"He's cute.So you're finally making friends or do you really like him."
"Shhh,Aunt Beks,he is gonna hear you wailing like a trumpet"I whispered furiously.
She smiling a knowing smile and left the room
"He's waiting"
"Those look cute"
I was a little startled and frenzied that he was referring to what Eric would call a rack but then I remembered I had my hair in 2 absolutely disproportional pigtails.

"Fancy seeing you without your invisibility cloak"I said referring to his disappearance yesterday.And successfully deflecting the subject.
"Don't act like you don't know it.Anyway take two"
I stood in the front porch with him.
Arching my feet in annoyance.
"With all politeness what are you doing here?"I asked.
"Well your name's Hope."
"I know"I interjected.
You are kind of an endangered species,that's why I came to check you on you,doing a favor for the environment"Stefan said flashing an impish grin.
"And also the fact that you fell"he said relieved for he found an excuse.
"Aww Stef you don't need an excuse to visit me."I said.He blinked.
"Are you like free or is there anywhere else you'd rather be"I ask in a feeble attempt to cover for my infuriating self absorption.
He chuckled and I was grateful
He put his hands on my shoulders and said
"Believe me there is no place else I'd rather be,Hope.Free man on a free day"
Though I think I noticed pain in his tone
"Wait here"I said.
I tied my chestnut tresses in a loose ponytail.Dressing in the only wearable skirt I had (the clothes Rebekah buys don't qualify as clothes.You don't go on calling table cloths clothes)and a corduroy blue blouse.
"Ain't Bex I am going out with Stefan"
"She nodded in approval.
"Is it like a date?"
"More like murder"
"So how good are you at Math hope.
"Stefan I am so good that I stand out I mean I am so good I literally stand out of the class.
"You're walking"
"Yeah well that's kind of the point of what I am doing.Excellence in stating the obvious Mr Salvatore"
"No.Thats not it.When you walk you follow a pattern"
I just looked at him.
"I am giving you the look that says that your philosophy is beyond me."
"WHAT"I shout-whispered.
"Did you hear?" Symphony asked me.
Yes I actual had another friend.
Yes Her name was symphony.
And yes she was popular.
Blue eyes, honey skin, lean and cheery.Also brainless
My exact opposite
I kind of understand why I wasn't popular now.
Hah moment of realization
I sighed.Symphony wasn't exactly a friend.Just another one of my symbiotic relationships.
All elements need each other.Remember the octet rule.Now I'm just being a nerd
I was by the way extremely condescending and blatantly judgmental towards her and I did wonder why she didn't ditch me.
Probably because of my aura of awesomeness.
"Why are you annoying me at this ungodly hour Symphony?"
"The dance"
The present
And that was exactly how I landed up in a coma.
'Bye Prom queen"
"Be careful Hope.
The engine of her red Porsche came to life and with that Aunt Rebekah was gone.
Author's note
Hello my beautiful munchkins
I know this is a pathetic excuse for a chapter but I had a crazy physics test the other day.
Stay fantabulous
Hal(it's short for Hayley)

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