Confessions of an Alpha Female:Consider yourself warned

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Hope blinks.
This usually is not how one tries to start a day.
I wake up on my two faced poster bed screaming .
The ceiling is covered with a huge handmade poster of Doctor Who And the London wind.
No that's not a real story .
It's my fan fiction.
I would probably explained to you all about it.
but naw Pshaw I'm good lets talk of something else.
Like why I feel like I've lifted up the heaviest bag pack in the universe.Carried it up hill,dumped it and carried it downhill in the process of which is fell down like a huge road roller and some bird pooped or super pooped in me.
Well you get my drift I look like crap.
Which I'll explain in about 5 seconds after I finish Yawning,stretching,taking a quick nap and morning self pep talk.
Rebekah comes in with the breakfast tray .
"Sweetie what happened?"She asks.
No time like today.
So I tell her.
"We camped.We hikes,Got tired and blah."
"WHICH EXPLAINS WHY STEFAN HAD TO CARRY YOU HOME.HOPE MIKAELSON ,if u were drinking you'd better come out now."
I smiled at her .A very fake smile
We were walking through the jungle and naturally I had to assume command being Alpha female(IS that a word?)and all.
With compass in a hand and upside down map in another I walked or rather dragged myself tripping with Stefan shouting every five seconds about the error of my navigational(Again.Is that a word?)senses.
"Take a left,Hope."
"I am taking a left STEFAN."I snapped back.
Very infuriatingly,he replied quietly
"that's a right"
And I had to check my hands to prove his stupidity
Instead I proved mine.
"After sixteen years on planet earth you still can't tell the direction."
Symphony commented squatting bugs.
"Whatever."I said sashaying
It was a shame Symphony was totally unnerved in a forest.
"Nice flowers don't you hurt my feet."She said.
Axel Blackburn meanwhile was recovering his sanity staying in the shadows.He actually looked quite happy.
But he was very insistent on staying in the shadows.
That was my lucky team.
We had been walking for a very long time.
"This looks like a scene from the fifth wave."Axel commented."And personally I would be very glad to approach technology and find my iPod again."
I glowered.
We were in the middle of nowhere.Everything was covered with the familiar tall mystic falls trees and the foliage made it look like a cloudy day.
"So Anne asked him what he thought-"Symphony stopped talking."AXEL"She screamed.
Stefan and I had gone ahead to scout the way ahead while we rested in one of the base camps.
Base camps was a not so delightful word.
Because it was basically sign saying base camp to let up know we were in the right place.
Because naturally it was impossible to get lost here.
I realized I had stopped walking.
Stefan had stopped too.
"Why are we stopping?"he asked.So this was supernatural hearing in place.
Of course Stefan didn't hear.He'd told me how he had filled his ears with cotton when he was six.
"Didn't you hear?"I asked calmly.
"What?"he questioned
"Symphony screamed Stefan  and no not in the way you're thinking ,stupid"I said shaking my head.We had already retreated.
"It's probably a bug or something,Blackbird.Or maybe they're making out."
"You can't bee too sure with forests."seeing my queasy expression he answered "you're probably right.I'm pretty sure you'd like it better if they were making out"
"I have to wear posters now to tell you there's nothing going on between us.Stefan and I have made it abundantly clear nothing's going on.Or at least he has."
Axel gives me a look that says that He knows better.
"Well maybe you should remind him that.Why else would he not have a girlfriend or boyfriend.You should hear the way Symphony talks about him"Axel's hands are in his pockets. And he's staring straight ahead.I feel guilty.Then I think about a few weeks ago.
Two tickets to the Sadie Hawkins dance.Here's what I'm thinking as I walk towards the car parking area.
A)Stefan is looking like the pretty boy he is.Wild brown hair that reminds me of a sci-fi character(tenth doctor I'm looking at you)It just knocks the wind away or whatever the phrase is.I don't even know why suddenly I am like that.We.were normal.
'So um you wanna go to the stupid dance for people.Condescending people being the prime objective for you.I just need that for thing writing thing I'm doing' suddenly my vocabulary is smaller than a ten year old's
Note-Can be considered
B)I think I am a little bit in love with you
Instead I hear
Strange person:'What about your girlfriend?'
Stefan:'Iam just humouring.I don't wanna hear her feelings.I just don't feel the same way about her.Also Hope's probably not going to go to a lame dance.Something with funding a capitalist agenda.'
He was right.I didn't
I hear a shrink again pulling me to the present.A louder more frantic one and now we're running.
Maybe it's those people my family was running from.Some six homicidal maniac here for revenge.My heart thunder and Axel's gaze pours towards me.
"What the-"Axel starts and I look up panting.
There's no one hear.
I look at Axel.We both far too paranoid people.Most people would probably laugh right now.Not care.
"Look at that"I start saying but he puts a finger on my lips looking far too mysterious and broody for his own good.No wonder Symphony color coordinated her wardrobe for him.
He's looking at it too.Two parallel scratches across the poster that reads BAE Camp now.
I walk towards it but Axel grabs my wrist.We have a staring contest.Axel has obviously got the 'Look kid let's be smart about it' look mastered but I'm not backing down.
Finally he does let go.We walk together.The sound of scrunch boots syncs with the rhythm of my thundering heart(I did not just type that)
Axel lurches his hand forward to trace the scar.Now its my turn to grab his wrist.
"Don't.It could be poisonous."I scream whisper.
"Consider me warned."he replies with a cocky grin and shakes my hand away.
I wonder if my super powers of glowering can actually command his subconscious,
News flash -NOPE.
His hand doesn't melt when he touches the scars whichI take as a good sign.
"Is it just me or has the forest gone unusually quiet?"He asks after a while.I am busy tracing footsteps.
"Like its strange we haven't encountered anybody."He asks.
Instinctively I pull my cellphone out but instead I feel the familiar spot vacant.
"Old habits die hard."He comments."What we need is a built in GPS."
He gasps like he always does when he has a brilliant thought
"Height"he says and I'm already on it.
I hear Axel's familiar CAUTION lecture
I stand or hug the nearest tree ,all grace forgotten.All miles of canopy stretches before me
All hope lost(Unintended pun).
I climb down.
"You're right.Its empty."I say to the lingering Axel beside me.
"Did you see anything out of the blue?Anything strange?"
My first to thoughts.
TARDIS-blue.Strange-The doctor.
I shake my head.
"Now Blackbird.I really would not be here if-"I stop speaking and walk towards the spot I last saw Symphony.
I stomps the stupid piece of Earth due to which I'm stuck with a creepy boy and my best friend is with Phony extraordinaire.
And the ground underneath me gives way.
"Axel-"I shout as I land.Probably not the last words of my choosing.
After a long series of Waaaaaaahs,I land with a thud.All I see is darkness.My face doesn't feel squashed so it probably means the landing is soft.
Call me Vain.Thats right we'll make posters and print T shirts because my one thought-This is not how Hope Mikaelson dies.
Now before she has completed season 6 of Doctor who.
And a couple of other important things.
I get up and it's as though I've applied very little force.
That's because someone has already grabbed my waist and scooped my up.
And grinning his thousand Watt 'Hey I'm shy and adorable' grin Stefan Salvatore is next to me
"I'm pretty sure you're exact thoughts are 'I've never seen someone so admirably dashing in my entire life' or 'TEAM HERO HAIR'"He says with mock certainty.
"Shut up"I say but I'm still smiling almost involuntarily.Like' no control' could be my theme song.
I lean forward to kiss his cheek and he looks at me. Too late.The friendly moment is becoming heavy.Neither of us are looking away and to be honest I don't think I can.
I don't know why.It's almost like I've seen them for the first time
And observable fact.
It isn't his eyes I realise It's him that I can't quite take in.The brilliance of his eyes that are sparkling.Its fireworks.
I change my mind.Feeling much more bold than I think I could ever been I kiss him.His lips are soft and firm and I'm afraid It's TOO FAST TOO SOON flashing through my brain.But then he kisses back ands his hands are around my waist and I'm so happy I circle my hands around his neck.There are slow kisses.hello kisses and goodbye kisses.
But there should be another category called Stefan Salvatore kisses.
Because dear god thereisnothing like it.
And although I have nothing but an accidental brush to compare it to I can guarantee he is a legitimately great kisser.
Almost Like he's spent a century practicing.
We pull apart but I don't have the courage to look him in the eye.So I press my head again his chest inhaling soap and boy.
And I hear clapping.Its just Symphony doing her happy dance.
Author's Note
Hello my Munchkins
Yeah it is true.I am using exclamation marks.
Anyway you guys deserve a long chappie.
Thank you for being here
What are your thoughts about this one.Too soon?
Cliffhangers as always.
I love you more thank the doctor loves his TARDIS.(probably.Nah am sure)

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