Positively gothic

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Axel Blackburn shook his locks and Symphony was dazed,who crashed into Stefan who dropped into an already dizzy Hope.
Atleast that's what Hope thought would happen if Axel actually let people know he sang.
"You really cant use blue like that,Dad."
"Watch and learn,my littlest wolf."Hope giggled at the nickname.Her mom was standing at the doorway,positively leaning.She pouted her lips in a fashion Hope hoped she could pull off one day.Annoyance and beauty.
But her mom was happy,she was glowing with joy,watching Klaus and Hope with paint splattered up their elbows and on Klaus's impeccable eyebrows.
"Be kind sweet maid and let who be clever"Announced a crisp voice Hope knew.
"Do noble things-and make life,death and this vast forever,a long and beautiful song"
Continued Hope and she gave her Uncle Elijah one massive hug,so that his neat exterior now bore battlescars blue and green.Though he didn't mind.
"Quite close sweetheart."
In that moment Hope felt so complete she should have known it was obviously a dream.
Hope stayed up all night trying to recreate her father's painting of a viking dusk,full of blues,every shade that reminded her of fairies and wander lust.
Rebekah was asleep on the couch when Hope arrived downstairs.She quickly scribbled something about chocolate chip pancakes and afterschool projects as she left.
"You look dead."
"Why,thank you,I think the pale aura of death enhances my complexion"
But Hope simply shook her head.Symphony wasn't wrong.With eyeliner meant to make her look awake gone horribly wrong,Hope looked positively gothic.It didnt help that she was wearing a long black tee shirt with PUNK IS ALIVE scribbled all over.
HoplesslyVain:Where were you at lunch today?
HopelesslyVain:Why didnt you tell me,you and Elena were a thing?
HopelesslyVain:I sure hope your phone's not working,cuz if youre really avoiding me,then that's messsed up.
Stefan was leaning against a tree,chatting with Elena Gilbert,who was more than playfully putting her arm around him.
Oh wait
More than playfully-KISSING HIM.
Calm Mikaleson,calm.
He's your best friend,not your boyfriend.Talk to him.
One kiss at the cost of your friendship is not worth it.
"Stefan."She hugged him " What's wrong with your phone"She questioned already aware of something strange.Stefan did not hug back
The only person she wanted to talk to was avoiding her.
Stefan Salvatore was founding following Elena as a lost puppy more times than she count and each time it stung.
Hope was in the music room,A place the less gifted in Ivy high avoided with was more than fine with her,
Hope could never land the last C sharp.It had infuriated her but today it seemed like the last straw that might send lAunch descent into madness.
She was angry,mad and she wanted to break something
The mirror in her hand crumbled into pieces,some digging into her hands.She sat down trying to even her breath.
"This ro-room isnt for company" She shouted hoping her voice concealed any signs of her crazy.
"Hey Hope-"Axel Blackburn stopped talking as soon as her entered.
"Dam you Blackburn,you never listen."
He approached her cautiously,even his wild black hair seemed still,his green eyes were on her all the time.
She bit her lip looking down.
"What's wrong?"He asked his voice much softer and gentler compared to the regular Axel baritone.
He took her hands in his and very carefully removed each shard.
"Its...its my family,well my rather lack of it."She laughed self deprecatingly.
So alone.What if no one ever thought about me.Do I even matter?To anyone?
"I'll..I'll think about you,Hope"He said breaking a chocochip cookie and giving her a half
"I remembered you liked them."He confessed ears turning pink.Inspite herself Hope grinned.
"I really am growing on you,Blackbird."I smirked,once again my superpowers of clinginess RULE.
We greeted each other by a formal shake of hands.There had been a paradigm shift in our relationship.
Even I wasnt that obtuse.
Axel handed me my espresso and sipping his latte as we walked through the west virginia campus, riding into the sunset of our own making,
Author's note
Hey munchkins,Sorry I was gone so long.
But I'm back now,with a bang.
So sorry for the crappy update,but I swear it gets better soon.
I love you more than Elena loves whining


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