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Person who asked this question: Minghao_Woozi

Q for everyone: can you help me choose a bias, at the moment I'm stuck.

S.coups: I should be your bias since I'm the leader. I try my best to look out for the other members and I'm a caring father for everyone.

Jeonghan: I should be your bias because I'm the angle of the group. I'm the pure soul basically that tries bringing a loving atmosphere to the group.

Joshua: you should bias me! Because I am pretty good at dancing, I'm a good singer, I'm religious, what don't I have!? I'm even very good looking.

Jun: I think you should bias Minghao because he's very cute and a lot of people like him.

Hoshi: Bias me because I'm the leader of the performance unit. I make the dances for seventeen. I'm very different from everyone else cause I'm 10:10!

Wonwoo: you should bias me because I'm emo.

Woozi: bias me because I'm better then everyone else.

DK: you should bias whoever you want. Once you get into our group more, choose who you think you suit best with. Someone to your own liking.

Mingyu: bias me because I'm handsome.

Minghao: oh, help you choose a bias? You should choose who you feel like you have the most in common with.

Seungkwan: choose me as your bias because I'm an amazing singer and I'm better then the others on everything. I have the variety show skills.

Vernon: bias me because....I dont know, just do it.

Dino: I think you should bias Mingyu because a lot of people like him already.

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