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Q for all the members: back to school advice?

S.coups: just make sure to study and don't distract yourself. Don't sit near your friends so they distract you.

Jeonghan: focus on your studies and you'll be fine. Take notes on everything, everything the teacher writes on the board, you should write down in your notebook.

Joshua: my back to school advice? What I have to say is just try doing your best, always bring what you need to class (yet I know its hard being organized all the time.) I'm just going to say you should try being nice to everyone even if those people are being mean to you, because you don't need to stoop to their level.

Jun: I think you should try out for sports teams! It keeps you active and you'll meet nice people.

Hoshi: make a lot of friends, try making even more friends then the ones you have now. Its always good to make new friends, just never forget about your real, true friends.

Wonwoo: stay low and make sure no one notices you.

Woozi: just do whatever you want, don't care about what anyone else says.

DK: I say you should be nice to everyone and try being friends with everyone! Being nice will show that you're a kind person and a lot of people will want to hang out with you and think you're someone nice to talk to. Even on your bad days when you're feeling down you should hide it with a smile.

Mingyu: I was always popular in school because of these good looks. I think advice for school should be just don't hang out with the wrong crowd. Find your people and stick with them.

Minghao: just be nice to everyone! And join clubs!

Seungkwan: study and join club activities, that should be good advice.

Vernon: just don't zone out.

Dino: i'm still in school so how can I give you back to school advice!? I don't want to go to school!

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