0.2 - Jason

131 9 1

Today was going by too slow for my liking. It seemed that every customer I served wanted to order as slow as possible, then triple check if they said the right thing, and over half of them tried to find a problem with their coffee.

At least it was almost two o'clock, so my shift was almost over.

"Jason! I need you to stay late today. Karen called saying she couldn't make it today because of family issues."

Or not.

"Yeah, okay. Let me text my roommate I'll be home late," I shout back to my boss.

To: Cathy

I have to stay after for work. Won't be home until 5

From: Cathy

Okay. Just don't be too late.

To: Cathy


I shove my phone back in my pocket and turn to face my next customer.

"Hi what can I get for you?"

I hear the ringing of the door, signalling that there's another customer who just walked in.

"I'll have just a black coffee."

I ring the person up, telling them the amount.

"Your total is three dollars fifty cents. Can I get a name for your order?"

She hands me a five and says to keep the change, telling me her name in the process. I thank her, handing her the receipt.

"Hi. Welcome to Starbucks. Can I take your order?"

"Hi, yeah can I get a large iced coffee and a blueberry muffin?"

"Yeah. Can I get a name for your order?"


She's Off Limits [Brendon Urie // Panic! At The Disco](Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now