0.3 - Jason

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A/N: Please go back and read from the beginning if you started this book before 9/28. I made some MAJOR changes to the plot and this chapter won't make sense if you don't go back and reread the first two parts.

Thanks, Kelley

"Your total is seven fifty," I tell him as I tear the receipt off of the printer thing.

"Jason! You can go home at two like normal today. I just found out that Martha can come in later and cover for Karen,"  my boss shouts from the back. I check the time at the top of my monitor. 1:55.

I can go home in five minutes. I just have to give him his order and then I can go home.

"Here." Brendon hands me a twenty before looking at the tip jar.

"What do the tips go to?" He nods his head towards the mason jar next to the register.

"Every cashier has one,  so they can use them for whatever hey want, but I'm saving up for college. I lost my savings because of some... problems with... the bank," I reply hesitantly.

"Oh, cool. Keep the change then." After telling me this, he continues to reach back into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, proceeding to pull out a fifty dollar bill.

"Wh-what are- yo- what are you doing." By this point, all of the blood in my body has rushed to my face.

"I'm helping you out with college. Isn't it obvious?" Brendon shows me a quick smirk before moving on to the other side of the cafe.

I quickly place his order onto the little tray thing before grabbing my jar and going to swipe my card.

Making my way to my car, I notice there is something that isn't money in my jar. Taking it out, I glance over it.

Call  me (Brendon):


I smile, continuing my walk to the car.

Pulling out my phone, I start a new text message.

To: Brendon

Hey. It's Jason, from the coffee shop.

Within a few seconds, I got a reply.

To: Jason


How am I supposed to respond to that? What am I supposed to say? This is why I hate texting.

To: Jason

What are you doing later?

Okay. Calm down. Just tell him. It's not something to freak out over Jason.

To: Brendon

Hanging out with my roommate. Probably watching a bunch of movies all day.

There. See, it's not that bad.

To: Jason

Oh, okay. Do you want to hang out tomorrow, then? 

I don't think I have work tomorrow, so that should work.

To: Brendon

Yeah, where?

I'm finally at my car. Hearing my phone buzzing, meaning Brendon responded, I ignore it, choosing to start my car and get home first. 

It's been a long day, I think to myself as I make my way into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

I haven't even texted Cathy about me being home on time today.

I check my text from Brendon.

To: Jason

You're place?

I walk into my apartment to see a note on the fridge.


I went over to Max's house. Be back tomorrow afternoon. 


I let out a groan. Maybe I could ask Brendon to come over. Cathy isn't here and I hate being home alone for too long.

To: Brendon

Hey. My plans with my roommate just got canceled. Do you still want to come over?

To: Jason

Sure. Can I bring a friend?

She's Off Limits [Brendon Urie // Panic! At The Disco](Slow Updates)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن