Chapter 1 : Arriving

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A/N : So guys... The sequel to Secrets was requested, but it's just not happening at the moment... So here is a new book. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Riker POV

The police officer helped get me signed in and stuff. I was at an orphanage right now. And apparently, this is where I'd be staying for the next however many months. My parents were... dead...

This police officer had brought me back to my house so I could pack some things to take with me. But now we were actually here. This was reality.

I was fighting back tears as the police officer left, and I was alone with the lady at the front desk. I didn't want to be here! I wanted to go home and be with mom and dad!

"Alright, Riker. So you're 14?"

I nodded a little.


She suddenly pointed to a girl behind me, who was probably in her early 20s.

"That's Jackie. She's going to take you to the nurse's office so we can get some information on you, Riker."

I looked at Jackie. She smiled at me.

"Come here, Riker," Jackie said, reaching her hand out to me.

I slowly walked over, and took her hand. But I didn't want to. I hate doctors and nurses and all that kind of stuff.

She led me down a hallway. And then down another. We came to this office type room. There was a lady at a computer.

"This is Riker Lynch. He just got here. He's here for his first time appointment," Jackie said.

"Alright, Riker, you can take a seat over there. I'll call you when the doctor is ready for you," the lady behind the computer said.

Jackie left, and I walked over to a row of chairs. I sat down, and stared down at my feet. I was so nervous! I get so scared at places like this! And to make it worse, my mom isn't here!

And why is that, Riker?

Stop thinking about it! It wasn't your fault!

Except it was.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and ran my hand through my hair. I can't cry now. I can't think about what just happened a few days ago. I can't let it get to me.


I looked up. The lady at the desk motioned to a woman standing next to her desk. I got up, and followed the woman into a different room.

"Take a seat on the table, Riker."

I did as she said. My heart was racing, and my hands were slightly shaking. Why can't this all be a dream!?

"Alright, Riker. So we heard you got a little scratched up from the accident. Let's take a look."

My heart started pounding even more.

"So can you tell me what happened and what hurts?"

"W-w-we u-um... c-crashed... a-a-and u-um..."

"Calm down a little, Riker. There's nothing to be nervous about."

I swallowed hard. There's a ton to be nervous about!

"U-um... M-my back h-hurts..."

"Can you take your shirt off for me?"

I did as she asked. She had me lay down on my stomach, and she pushed on different parts of my back, asking if it hurt, and it did, every time.

"Alright. Get off the table, and stand up for me."

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