Chapter 12 : Escaping

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Chapter 12

The next day...

Riker POV

I felt really good when I woke up. I felt refreshed, and I wasn't so grumpy. But tonight would be the night. I was going to escape, and find my way back to my house somehow. I didn't know how, but I figured that'd be the easy part. Escaping would be the hard part.

I packed up everything in my suitcase, including my pills.

"Good morning, Riker!" Ellington said, coming into my room.

I quickly slammed the door shut.

"Don't come in here!" I shouted.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Um... I'm sick! And I'm changing!"


"What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast...?"

"Go without me."

"Riker, I don't want you to not eat."

"No! I'm going to the nurse!"

"Oh... Do you want me to walk you there?"

"No! I'm fine! Just go to breakfast! I'll see you later!"

"Um... Alright..."

I heard his footsteps leave. Good.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I wasn't going to escape until tonight, but I wanted to be ready. And mentally, I was anything but ready.

I had so many scary thoughts in my head like, what if I get kidnapped, what if I get lost, what if they catch me? If any one of those things happened, I'm basically screwed.


Riker POV

I wouldn't let Ellington come in my room all day. And that wasn't really a problem since he thought I was at the nurse this morning. But sometime after lunch, he saw me coming out of the bathroom, and he knew I was back.

I was currently eating dinner across from him in the cafeteria.

"Riker, are you sure you're alright? You're acting really weird."

"I'm fine. But I do need to tell you something."


"Thank you. For everything you've done for me. Like helping with the nightmares and stuff."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm appreciating it."

"Or, are you thinking about leaving."



"I'm not!"



He sighed.

"Fine, I believe you..."

After dinner, Ell decided to take a shower. This was my chance. Right now.

I knew the hall monitors weren't up here right now. They were eating dinner. I knew this because they were never in the halls this time of night. While we were getting ready to go to bed, they'd eat so that they could walk down the halls and make sure everyone stayed in bed and stuff.

I zipped up my suitcase, and hurried down the hall to the stairs. I went downstairs and down a few other hallways until I came to the fenced in part. I shoved my suitcase over the fence. Then I jumped, and grabbed the top. Somehow, I managed to get over it. I sort of fell to the ground, and it hurt my ankle a little, but the important thing was that I was free! And... there was no turning back now.

I grabbed my suitcase, and started running. I found the main road, and slowed down to a walk. I didn't recognize anything to know where I was going. But I figured I just needed to get away from the orphanage. I could figure out where to go later. So I just kept walking.

Ellington POV

"Attention all kids, report to your bedrooms now," some person over a loudspeaker said.

It was a good thing I was done with my shower. Otherwise, I could have shampoo in my hair still!

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, and went to my bedroom. I quickly got dressed.

I opened my door, and saw Jackie walking down the hall.


I waved her over.

"What is it, Ellington?"

"Why do we have to go to our rooms?"

"Because it's suspected that someone has gone missing."


"Riker Lynch."

My mouth fell open. I knew it! I totally knew, and I didn't stop him!

"Do you know anything about this?" Jackie asked.

"No... Well... I think he's trying to go back home."

"Ok. I'll tell them."

Jackie quickly walked down the hall. I opened Riker's door, and looked inside. All his stuff was gone. I couldn't believe it. He really left! If they find him, he's going to be in so much trouble!

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