Chapter 7 : The crash

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Chapter 7


Ellington POV

"She's going to kill me, and then I'll get in trouble, and then they're going to hurt me!" Riker cried.

"Riker, I'm sure if you just tell her you weren't feeling well, she won't be mad."

We were talking about how he was supposed to meet with this therapist counselor person yesterday. But he didn't.

"C-can you come with me!?"

"Right now?"


"Riker, we haven't even had breakfast yet."

"I don't care! Food made my belly hurt like crazy! I don't want any more!"

"Riker, you can't not eat. I'll go with you, but you have to eat breakfast first."

Riker groaned.

"Come on. Let's go have breakfast, and then I'll go with you to your counselor therapist person."

We had cereal for breakfast. I'm pretty sure the only reason Riker ate was because he was scared I wouldn't go with him if he didn't.

When we were done with breakfast, I took him to the front desk, and the lady there told us where to go. Riker nervously knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

He opened the door, took my hand, and pulled me inside.

"Hi, Riker. Who's this?" A lady sitting behind a desk asked.

"E-Ellington," Riker stuttered.

"Hi, Ellington. I'm Clara."


"Take a seat, boys."

We sat down on a couch. Riker kept inching closer to me until we were touching.

"So, Riker. I told you I wanted to talk to you yesterday-"

"I didn't feel well!"

"I know. The nurse told me you were in the health office last night. Are you feeling better?"

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"Every time I eat, my stomach hurts."

"Have you been eating normally?"

Riker was silent.

"No, he hasn't. I made him eat dinner last night and breakfast this morning," I said.

"Why haven't you been eating, Riker?"

"I don't know..."

"I think you do know."

Riker just glared at the floor.

"Alright. How about you tell me about the crash, Riker."


"Riker, come on. I'm not letting you leave until we talk. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

Riker got all sniffly.

"Start from the beginning."

He brought his knees to his chest, curling into a ball beside me.

"Riker, tell her. She can help make you feel better," I said, putting my arm around his shoulders.

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