Chapter 5 : Late night talk

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Chapter 5

Riker POV

They put me on a table with white paper on it. They laid me down. There were 4 people. Each one held down one of my legs or arms. I hated being restrained, and it made me scared.

I was sobbing, and I couldn't curl up in a ball and hide. I just want my mom back! I want to be in her arms, and have her tell me everything would be alright, like she used to.

I opened my eyes, and saw a nurse holding a needle. I immediately started trying to escape again.

"Riker, stop. I need you to calm down," one of the nurses said.

"P-please don't hurt m-me!" I cried.

"Nobody is going to hurt you if you stay calm."

I continued crying my eyes out. She has a needle!

"Riker. Can you stop crying and talk to us like a big boy?"

Um... Can you not talk to me like I'm 5!?

I just nodded slowly.

The men let go of me. I slowly sat up. One of the nurses handed me a tissue and a cup of water. I blew my nose, and then drank the water. I was kind of calm now, but I was still crying a little.

Everyone left except one of the men and the nurse with the needle. A new woman who I'd never seen before came into the room.

"Riker, this is Clara. She's like a counselor or a therapist. I want you to tell her what happened tonight," the nurse said.

I couldn't stop staring at the needle in her hand.

"W-what are you g-going to d-do to me!?"

"Nothing if you cooperate," the nurse said.

"I-I d-don't like n-needles!" I said, crying more.

"Riker, I won't have to stick you with it unless you try to hurt someone."

"Well why would I do that!?"

"Because you shoved people back in your bedroom."

"Because I was scared! I would never try to hurt someone on purpose!"

Clara got the nurses attention.

"Can we let him try speaking to me alone? I trust him," Clara said.

The nurse nodded, and then left with the other guy. She shut the door on her way out.

"Alright, Riker. So tell me what happened," Clara said.

"I-I don't know... I had a nightmare..."

"What happened in your nightmare, Riker?"

"It was the crash..."

"The crash?"

"F-from a few d-days ago..."

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Riker, I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"I don't want to talk about it... Please."

Clara sighed, and kept her eyes on me. I looked away, avoiding her stare.

"Riker, tell me why you were scared."

"B-because they were coming for me."

"Who was coming for you?"

"My parents."


"Because it's all my fault that they're dead!" I screamed, bursting into tears again.

"Can you explain?"

"They're mad at me even though I apologized for it! I didn't mean to!"

My whole body was shaking so hard, and I felt dizzy.

"Riker, take a minute, and calm yourself down. You're safe. Nothing can hurt you."

I took some deep breaths, and sort of got myself under control again.

"Good. Now can you tell me more about your dream?"

"Please no!"

I covered my face with my hands. I can't talk about it anymore!

"Alright... I think that's enough for tonight then. But I want to see you tomorrow morning. We're going to talk about this."

"A-am I in t-trouble?"


"B-but I pushed someone."

"You're not in trouble, Riker."


She handed me a tissue, and I blew my nose again. I had major sniffles that just wouldn't go away.

"Jackie is here to take you back to your room," Clara said, motioning to the door.

I got off the table, and slowly walked over to Jackie.

"Hey. You alright?" Jackie asked with a small smile.

"No..." I said, trying to hold in my tears.

"How about you just try to get some sleep?"

I nodded. Jackie put her arm loosely around me, and took me back to my bedroom. She helped tuck me into bed again, and then left, closing the door behind her.

I broke into tears again. What a night it's been... I didn't want to go back to sleep. I know I'm likely to have nightmares. I don't want to be scared, and I don't want to hurt anymore!

I kept my crying down so nobody would hear it. There were constant tears rolling down my cheeks, even though my eyes were closed.

I ended up crying myself to sleep.

A/N : I keep forgetting to mention this... But @lmmonkey119 made my book cover.

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