Chapter 13 : Home

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Chapter 13


Riker POV

I didn't know where I was going. I'd been walking for what felt like forever. My feet hurt!

Just as I was going to try to find somewhere to sleep, I spotted an ice cream place. It wasn't just an ice cream place though. It was the ice cream place mom and dad used to take me to! I knew where I was!

I kept walking until I saw my house. The road was blocked though. They were doing road work. So I needed to go around the back...

I had to go in this weird loop around through the woods until I came to my backyard. But there was a problem. There was a fence. It was like a picket fence, but it was tallish and the wood pieces were thin and pointy.

I threw my suitcase over. Now I just need to get myself over.

It was going to be difficult. I knew that already. I grabbed onto 2 of the wood pieces, and jumped. It was hard to get my legs over the top. But somehow, I managed to sit on the top for a few seconds. The wood was digging into my legs and butt, so I quickly tried to jump down. Except I never reached the ground.


My belt loop was caught. I was now dangling above my backyard. My jeans were digging into many bad places, and I was trying not to scream.

I squirmed all around, trying to get myself unstuck. The more I moved, the more it hurt. And the more it hurt, the more I moved.

I suddenly heard a cracking sound, and I fell on my chest. It knocked the wind out of me, and I saw black spots in my vision.

I quickly fixed my jeans, and sat up. I grabbed my suitcase, and went to the front door. I knew there wasn't anyone living in there because the police told me this would be my house when I was 18.

I tried the door. Locked.

I was literally so close. And now the stupid door's locked!

I remembered one of the basement windows was slightly messed up. I took my suitcase around back.

The window was closed, but I managed to get it open. The lock had always been weird, and didn't really work right.

I managed to get my suitcase through the window. I carefully slid myself through too, and then shut the window. I was in almost complete darkness. And I'm very scared of the dark. Maybe I didn't think this through so good...

I was so scared something was going to get me in the dark if I moved. My legs were shaking. I slowly started taking small steps towards where I knew the stairs were. I made it up the stairs, and flicked on the lights. I felt so relieved once I could see again.

I went back downstairs and grabbed my suitcase. I went back up, and tried the door. It was locked. I might be locked out, but at least I'm home.

I went back downstairs, and looked around for something to pick the lock with. But I honestly had no idea what to do.

I found some paperclips on the floor. I unbent a few, and went upstairs to the door. I stuck them in the lock, and after probably 15 minutes, I got the door open. It was dark up there too.

I flicked the light on in the kitchen. I hated looking around. There were still dishes in the sink from before we left to go camping. Mom's computer was on the kitchen table. And there were bills and envelopes next to her computer, which dad was working on paying.

I started to cry. How could I not!? I miss my mom and dad!

I grabbed my suitcase, and ran upstairs to my room after shutting off all the lights. I closed and locked my door, still feeling scared about being here alone.

I remember when I actually still lived here, I hated being left home alone at night. My mom kept telling me I'd be fine. My parents had to go out one night to go to this meeting for work, and I was terrified. I ended up having a panic attack, and they had to come home early because of me. And ever since then, I was never left alone here by myself.

So I was pretty scared now. What if they already know I escaped? What if they're looking for me!? What if they put me in jail or something!?

Why can't I just have my parents back!?

I was still crying as I got into my bed. It was still unmade from before we left to go camping. I realized I was still in my clothes, and I had to use the bathroom. It's weird that when you're so scared and upset, you don't notice many things...

I grabbed some pajamas out of my dresser, and made my way to the bathroom, turning on all the lights as I went. I actually decided to take a shower. I felt all sweaty from being so worked up.

After my shower, I got back in bed. I'd locked my door, and I was hoping I would be safe. I had my nightlight plugged in, so I could still see a little bit in my room.

I'd calmed myself down now, and I took another pill. I remember thinking about my parents as I fell asleep. I desperately hoped when I woke up, this would all be just a dream.

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