Chapter 6 - Trapped and Shooting Skittles

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A/N: Yay! Sixth chapter… whooo! Despite my very busy schedule, I’ve managed to squeeze this chapter in. SO… ENJOY. AND VOMMENT. BECAUSE I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU! Sorry for the late update.


Chapter 6 – Trapped and Shooting Skittles.

My eyes fluttered open and they were met with bright hazel eyes that were staring intently at me, “Hey Jay.”

“Hello Anna Banana.” He grinned and handed me a towel. Jason was currently squatting in front of me, his mouth were pressed together into a suppressed smile.

I looked at the white cloth in my hand, “What’s this for?”

“To wipe all that drool on your face.” He chuckled. My eyes widened me? Drool? Impossible, but sure enough when I brought the towel to my lips, something moist was clearly sliding down my chin.


“Are you mad at me?” Instantly, his bright eyes grew darker. I’m in deep trouble. Wordlessly, he opened his bedroom door and gestured for me to go out. I obediently did what he wanted me to do, I owe it to him.

A bitter laugh resounded throughout the hall, “Why would I be? It’s your obligation as Williams’ girlfriend to spend time with him right?”


“You were late for one hour.” He closed the door abruptly; the last thing I saw was the expression on his face, the expression of being so betrayed.

When we were growing up, there was nothing we looked forward to other than the new HP film. It was such an important occasion to both of us. We weren’t able to watch the last two films together because he left, and we planned to have a Harry Potter movie marathon.

To think that I forgot, just because of a stupid boy. Come to think of it, I rarely talked to my other friends; I had been so busy plotting my pranks that I actually ignored them.

God, I’m such a horrible friend.


My locker slammed shut, the sound bouncing off the halls of Seattle Jackson High. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw a person standing in front of me.

“Are you avoiding me?” Ranier asked, his head tilted to the side.

“No, Maybe, Yes.”

“Why?” Why? Because I’ve been spending too much time with you, and now my friends are avoiding me! It’s completely my fault, but avoiding you might help! I wanted to tell him so badly, but I don’t want to talk so I settled with a simple shrug.

I walked towards the open elevator, I was already late. I pressed the button for the gym, sucks that it’s raining outside and we have to have our Monday assembly at the gym (Which was on the top floor).

Just as the elevator doors were closing, a hand stopped them. I internally groaned, being stuck in an empty hallway with him was bad enough, but being stuck in a small cramped space with him was even worse.

“Why are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not, okay? I just happen to be heading the opposite direction you’re going to.”

“Really? So going to the men’s room at the mall was completely intentional?” Oh God, he just had to remind me of that? I have been avoiding him, I was at the mall with my mom yesterday when he just popped out of nowhere and started heading towards me and in my haste to get away, I ended up in the men’s room. Embarrassing much.

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