Sarah Smiles

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Matt liked to think he lived a good life.
He went grocery shopping once every week, had a relatively stable job, friends who cared about him, and a decent place to stay.
Well, by decent he means that the water isn't cold 100% of the time and the stove only burns his food occasionally, although he's always willing to admit that it's partially his fault.
Yes, he told himself every morning that he was a lucky man for having these things, but there was always one thing that seemed to escape him.
Well, not a thing exactly.
He could never find a girlfriend.
No matter where he looked or how hard he looked, nobody seemed to like him.
Yes, he was perfectly fine living on his own, but only God knew when the sky would collapse and fall on him, so he would live life searching for a girl who would strike him as perfect.
As he sat in the library on his free day, he found himself reading something about string theory, not the most fascinating topic to most, but he liked it.
And there she was.
Her eyes looked like caramel drizzle as she applied lip gloss carefully in the small mirror of her compact.
A soft "woah" spilled from his lips as he found himself staring at an ethereal being, pure as the sun and gentle as the soft glow of the midnight moon. He was suddenly very self aware for whatever reason and went back to string theory.
When he looked up again she had caught his eye and she waved a coy wave, drawing him closer to her. His footsteps fell slower than his racing heartbeat and he was moving rather fast to the table she was at, noticing the chemistry text book lying next to her and the Shakespeare novels scattered on the table. He wasn't great at literature, but chemistry he could do.
She grinned up at him when he came to a complete halt in front of her.
"Wow. I... Miss, I'm sorry, you're just the prettiest thing I've ever seen. I would use a pick up line, but I think you're far above that."
She waved her hand dismissively.
"Try me." She spoke, and he fell in love all over again because her voice was so sharp but so gentle in the most confusing way.
He put his hand to the nape of his neck and thought deeply.
"Are you made of copper and tellurium?"
She shrugged.
"No, why?"
"Because you're Cu Te..." He hissed out awkwardly, but she laughed anyway, melodious and sweet like sugar.
Her eyes bore into him.
"You're adorable." She said gently.
"Oh! Uh... Thanks! My name is Matthew. Patrick. Matt. Er..."
She lit up at his awkward little stumbling and he felt his stomach knot up like he was being stabbed on the inside, all his pride having been stripped away because of his own screwup with the one woman he had ever seen who he thought he might have a slight chance with.
"Care to guess my name?" She shot back quirkily, and he felt himself melt.
"S-Sarah?" He sputtered nervously, palms sweating.
She laughed.
"Close. My name is Stephanie Cordato, but please, Matt, call me Steph."
He smiled.
"Could I see you again, Steph?"
"I certainly wouldn't mind."
And there it was, his salvation, because maybe he didn't have to be so lonely anymore.
She was saving him, and thank god for that.
Stephanie smiled.

A/N: Title reference!

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