The 'M' [AU]

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Stephanie slams the door behind her as she runs into her dorm, locking it after hanging a "do not disturb" sign on the handle.
She puts her hands on her hips and sighs heavily, giving the room a quick scan, rather glad that she was accepted into this college. She dreaded to think of what might happen if she had gone anywhere else.
The room was clean enough. Maybe she could shove the beds a bit more to the side, fold up the clothes, pray that her room mate was occupied, and finally begin setting up.
So that's what she does.
And when she prays, she really does pray, getting on her knees while she fixes the bed and muttering a soft "please, god, don't let her come in..." Over and over again.
She puts a little party hat on the cat's head and gives him a scratch on the back as a reward for his compliance.
Operation Valentines Day is officially in motion, she thinks to herself, grabbing her bag and pulling out the green and black balloons and all the green candies she had spent the previous night sorting from their packs. Sour Patch, Skittles, M&Ms, Gummy bears, yes, everything appears to be there.
She scatters the little candies on her desk in a heart shape and inflates the balloons tediously by mouth, checking the time every now and then to make sure she still had enough.
The sun is still bright outside her window as she pulls off the two red and white curtains to replace them with appropriately green ones.
The balloons are hung up all over her room, tied to the bedposts, a few hanging from the ceiling from invisible string to make it look like she could afford helium.
Well, she could, she thought, but the more hard work the more admirable.
She throws a card in the center of the candy heart and quickly writes on the front "The 'M' in 'Matthew' stands for 'Mine'" before shaking her head because oh god that's so much worse than it sounded in her head and it was bad enough in there.
She shrugs it off because she barely has any time left to rewrite it and she unlocks the door, peeking outside to check if her room mate had actually spent 4 hours waiting for her to open up. She wasn't, thank god.
She puts a sign on the door that reads "Theorists Only" and closes it, along with all the lights in her room.
She prays that her room mate likes the color green, because all this confetti was going to be hard to clean up.
She looks at her watch.

4:00 pm exactly.

This better have been worth skipping a few classes, she snarls, because her perfect record isn't going to be tainted by her stupid boyfriend.
The door opens a crack and Matthew's face pops inside the room, worry etched onto his face.
"Steph? You-"
He's cut off because she quickly turns on the lights and he has to step back and rub his eyes.
If punctuation was audible, and maybe it is, you would have heard a soft "!!!" escape his lips.
When he finally realizes what's happening he grabs her in such a tight hug that she's literally having a difficult time breathing because she forgot how strong he was. She had made many mistakes before and that sure was one.
She hugs him back with all the strength she can muster and when he puts her down his eyes are shimmering with tears, so she leads him to the desk with all the green candy and balloons and ties a ribbon around his wrist and of course it's green.
She hands him the card and smiles sheepishly as he opens it, but then all of a sudden she's in his arms again being pulled in tight for a kiss and she's never felt this exhilarated in her life she thinks as the card she gave him falls to the floor, forgotten and that doesn't matter at all because he's so warm and soft and he tastes like soda and this is the happiest she'll ever be, she tells herself.
The 'M' in 'Matthew' stands for 'Mine'
Because I'll love you for all time
No matter the weather, warm or cold
No matter our looks and no matter how old
Because you're the best gift I've ever received
And the 'Matt' in 'Matters' matters to me
I love you! Happy Valentine's Day!

A/N: This AU is where YouTubers are all basically students in a very high class college called YouTube Creators Academy.
That's all you need to know!

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