Traditional Dallas party 2

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Hayes pov

I woke up to hear my phone ringing. It was Jordan.

J-Jordan H-Hayes

J- Hey babe
H- Jordan it's only 5:50 in the morning

I chuckled

J- I just wanted to remind you about our plan for the pig at lunch
H-What's the plan again
J- Were gonna slush lil Dallas

I could hear her smirking into the phone

J- Hayes, hello
H- um yea okay I'll see you at school I'm gonna shower. Love you
J- bye

With that she hung up.

Feeling almost fully awake i grabbed my stuff for the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out. I changed into some khakis and a all white v-neck. I put on my red vans and grabbed my backpack and phone and went downstairs to the head to the kitchen.

"Yo bro I'm giving the Dallas' a ride this morning so hurry up" Nash said from the living room. Oh shit if I see Dani I'm gonna chicken out on the slush. I'll just plug in my music. To be honest I felt super guilty about doing this. I know how bad being slushed feels. They did it to me last year.

"Dude come on" Nash said peeking his head in the kitchen snapping me out of my thoughts. I grabbed an apple and headed out the door. I kissed my mom and sky goodbye and went out to Nash's car.

When we reached their house Nash asked if I wanted to come in but I denied and said I was to lazy. When he got to door Dani answered.


She looked so perfect in her outfit. He hair flowed down her back in those braids and her body was so perfect.

When she opened the door she jump on Nash and Nash caught her. I felt my jaw clench and couldn't stop staring. I heard Nash speaking

"Don't you wanna say hi to Hayes"

"Um no I actually have to go um I'm gonna meet my friends at the 7/11 down the street but it was nice seeing you" she said. Her voice was so beautiful.

I knew she wasn't going anywhere because she never makes plans in the early morning or even over night. She was avoiding me which I don't blame her. We used to be best friends. We were inseparable. Until Jordan became my girlfriend and made me bully her or we would break up. Back then I was stupid but now I realize it's not worth it.

"Bro are you listening" I heard nash say again snapping me out of mid thought

"Say it again" I said

"Well we're throwing our Traditional Dallas party at my house so invite your friends. But don't invite all the dick ones" cam said. I nodded my head and looked out the window. We started to drive away and I looked at Danni. She saw me looking at her so she rolled her eyes and went back inside. I sighed and kept staring out the window.

When we got to school we all went out separate ways and I went to my locker. We had locker clean out so I just emptied it all into my backpack. After that I went to 1st period.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd period went by fast and now it was time for lunch. Aka slush Dan. When I arrived to the cafeteria I was late because my stupid reading teacher made me stay back to talk about summer reading.

When I went to the cafeteria no one was at my table which meant that they were already there. I rushed over to the girls bathroom and saw Dani sitting on the ground holder her eyes crying. I felt so bad. I tried to go and help but Jordan wouldn't let me. Soon the art teacher came and helped her. We all ran back to the cafeteria. I was quiet at lunch while everyone talked. Jordan talked which looked like flirting with one of my friends Marcus. The lunch bell rung and we all left. I was walking by the nurses office when I heard cam and Dani talking.

Cameron Dallas' sister |h.g fan fiction| UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now