Dont tell

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(Hayes' pov)

"Please no- stop! Stop" the sudden comments suddenly and abruptly making me clear my head from what I was thinking about.

It was 6 am and everyone had already been to bed about 2 and a half hours ago.

So now it was just me and Danni. I was trying to sleep but I just couldn't.

It wasn't because of Danni. I just couldn't get what Jordan said out my head.

It's been there for a while now and it's not like her to just give up. If she wants something, there's no telling how far she'll go to get it.

"Please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Please don't leave-"

"Danni. Danni wake up" I tried shaking her to wake her up. She was having a nightmare and was sweating so bad. "Danni please wake up" I was getting a little worried.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes sharply.

She put her hand to her head and sighed propping her head up. "Sorry" she said quietly.

"It's okay really. You were just having a nightmare" I said pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked down and lifted herself all way up.

"Wanna talk about it" I asked grabbing her hands. She shook her head with sad eyes. "It's okay we'll talk later" I pulled her close to me. "I love you" I whispered while kissing her forehead.

"I'm so sweaty ew" she groaned as she got out of bed. "I'm gonna take a shower" she got up and walked towards her suitcase.

"Hayes?" She said with all of her clothes and body products with her.

"Yes" I asked scooting to the end of the bed. She sighed and looked down. "Never mind" I heard her whisper. She walked to the bathroom an shut the door.

I decided to use this time to see if anyone was awake.

To Magcon dogs:
Are any of you awake?

It took awhile but Matt and Glinsky did eventually reply

From: magcon dogs

Glinsky🎙- yea why???

Matt🐯- ^?

Mi- im gonna take Danni to the beach. She was having a nightmare and is sweating a lot. Tell Cameron when he wakes up please?

(A/n okay I know there's no beaches in Orlando lol. It's just for the sake of the story)

Matt🐯- I wanna come😩

Glinsky🎙- me too. Pleaseeee😀

Mi- Idc but give us like 1 hr because she's in the shower

It took about 30 seconds before an actual reply

Matt🐯- I just nodded to myself😂

Glinsky🎙- same bro😂

I locked my phone and went to knock on the bathroom. I knocked on the door and called out to her.

"Yea" she said over the streaming sound of water coming from the shower tap.

"Can I come in to brush my teeth" I was really meant hoping she'd say yes.

Cameron Dallas' sister |h.g fan fiction| UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now