chapter 43

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Jovani's POV
I woke up and evelyn was still asleep so I got on my phone and began searching for movies we could watch at the theaters. I decided in the conjuring 2. I sent julian a quick text to get ready so he and noelia can come. I was too lazy to go downstairs. I sat up and went In the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. After i showered i realized i forgot my clothes on the bed. I wrapped a towel around my waist and I got out of the bathroom. I noticed evelyn wasn't on the bed anymore. I looked around when boom suddenly she jumps out of the closet and jumps on me, I laughed and carried her to the bed and took her off my back when suddenly my towels falls. "Omg" I start blushing and wrap the towel around my waist again. I turned to look at evelyn and she was laughing really hard. "You saw nothing okay?" I laughed. "Trust me it's nothing I haven't seen before" she winked. "You're right" I said as I put my shirt on. "You're putting your clothes on here?" She asked me. "Yea there's nothing you haven't seen before" I smirked. She was already dressed she was wearing a flowered skirt and a black long sleeved shirt. I guess she must've woke up right after I went into the bathroom. I saw evelyn walk to the bathroom and I followed I saw her get out her makeup. I rolled my eyes. "What?" She asked me as she put some on. "I don't get why you need that stuff. You're beautiful" I said as I hugged her from behind. "Hmm you're right maybe I don't need it. If you want I won't wear some tomorrow" she smiled at me. "I love you" I said as I kissed her. "Love you too babe. Wait where are we going today?" she said/asked. "Well..we're going to see the conjuring 2" I said to her. "Omg I've been wanting to see it." She said excitedly. "You've been excited to see it or excited to go and cover your eyes half the movie" I laughed. Evelyn's loved watching scary movies by got scared really easily and covered her eyes half the time and jumped and stuff. It was kinda funny tbh.

Evelyn's POV
Jovani teased me about how I only watch half of scary movies cuz i cover my face like all the time but claim to love scary movies. So I pretended to be mad. "Aww I'm sorry babe" Jovani said to me.But I faced away from him. "Hmmm maybe this will get you to say you're not mad" he said and carried me to the bed and began tickling me. I am really freakin ticklish so I burst into laughter. Suddenly the door opened and we saw julian. "Hey you guys rea-" he began but stopped when he saw us "Damn yall getting some huh" he teased. "Oh shutup but thanks for saving me out of some tickling" I said as I ran out of the room and went downstairs. "We leaving get?" Noelia asked me. "I think so" I said as I heard the twins coming downstairs. "Let gooo" They said and we left to the movies. When we arrived we got our popcorn and some candies. We went to go sit down. I sat down at the end of the row then jovani next to me then julian next to jovani and then noelia. We got comfortable but there were still ads on. "Ughh I hate ads" I whined. "Don't worry they're almost over" jovani said to me. I turned to look at noelia and julian and damn they were already making out. "The movie hasn't even started and they're getting into it already" I laughed as I told jovani. "Well maybe we'll get it on later" he winked at me. "Oh shutup the movies starting " I laughed. Noelia and julian were still at it so I threw some popcorn at them. "Hey what the fu-" Julian began but I cut him. "The movies starting you butthole." I said and he turned to look at the screen. The movie was so interesting yet terrifying. Like wtf It's scary to think they say it's based on a true story. Halfway through the movie jovani through his hoodie over my lap. I didn't really pay attention to that. A few moments later I felt something on my thigh causing me to jump. "Shh don't worry it's only me baby girl" Jovani said. "Wtf I thought it was the freaking demon" I said as I took a deep breath. He just laughed at me and continued to watch the movie. Not long after i felt his hand going higher and higher. Wow. so this was why he put his hoodie over my lap. At one point his hand was so close to touching somewhere I turned to look at him. He noticed and smirked. "What's wrong baby girl" he said acting innocently. "You know what you're doing. You need to chill" I said as I pushed his hand away and held it instead. "Aww babe you ruined the fun" he whined. "You can have fun later i wanna watch the movie so shutup and lemme watch babe" I said and focused on the movie. "I don't wanna shutup tho. Make me. I'm just gonna keep talki-" Jovani was saying but I kissed him. "Happy?" I laughed and Leaned on him as we watched the movie. Suddenly this scary part came on and I let go of his hand and hid in his chest. "Aww babe don't worry nothings gonna happen it's just a movie and plus I'll protect you of anything" Jovani said "ok" I smiled. He Leaned in and kissed me. Just then they turned the lights on and I heard julian groan "Ugh turn em off" he said as he covered his eyes. "What he said" Noelia said as she lifted her face off of Julians chest. "The movies over. C'mon let's go" Jovani said with a small laugh. I put his hoodie on and he smiled. "You look cute in that hoodie babe." He said and held my hand as we exited the theater.

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