Secret Relationship

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Charlottes POV
    My name is Charlotte Donnelly-McPartlin. I'm 16 years old. And I have been in a relationship with my best friend Gemma for a year and a half. But I haven't told my parents. I don't know how to. And I don't know what they will think about it.
Gemma is the daughter of Holly Willoughby and Dan Baldwin. She is the same age as me. And the same height (5 foot). She has short brown hair and beautiful light green eyes. I love her with all my heart.
It was a Friday morning and as we've both left school we decided to meet up. I dressed in a nice pair of light blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I happily walked downstairs and see my dad Ant in the kitchen. I lean on the doorframe and say "Dad, can I go to the shopping centre with Gemma please?" He turns around and says "of course darling, that's fine" I suddenly hear a voice shout from the living room "Do you need some money?" I roll my eyes and walk the short distance to the opposite door way which led to the living room. I look at my father Dec who is looking over his shoulder at me with his legs across the sofa and his back rested against the arm rest closest to the door. I look at him and say "Well if your offering, then yes please!" He rolls his eyes at me and fishes in his pocket for a 20 pound note. I walk over and take it from him "Thanks Dad" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Behave yourselves" he says as I walk out of he room. I just smirk and go to get my trainers on. My dad comes over to me as I am about to leave and puts a slice of buttered toast in my hand. "Eat that on your way. I don't want you to get hungry and fill up on junk while your out." He says. I look up at him with innocent eyes and say "I don't now what you talking about." He laughs and I leave the house.

My confession to my parents Ant and DecWhere stories live. Discover now