Helping My Girl

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AN: Long.
I woke up the next morning to find two texts on my mobile. The clock read 7:30. Both messages were from Gemma. The first one said,
That's brilliant! I definitely want you with me when I tell my parents. Night Hun, I love you millions too! xx
I didn't mind that fact that she wanted me there for support with breaking the news to her parents. The second text said,
Morning baby. Hope I haven't woken you. I was just thinking that I want to tell my parents today. Mum goes out at 12 and I preferably would like to get it sorted before then. Text me back if that's alright with you. Love you xx.
I was so happy that she wanted to sort it today. My parents should be up because they have to go to ITV today as they are working on Saturday Night Takeaway and they had rehearsals for the show tonight.
    I quickly got dressed into a pair of track suit bottoms and a shirt, and went downstairs to find my parents. They were both in the kitchen. Dad was stood over the cooker making breakfast and my father was sat up on the counter, kicking his legs out and banging them against the cupboard. I could see by his face that dad was slowly getting very irritated by my fathers annoying attitude this morning. He's not normally a morning person, but he was obviously someone else today.
I could see that dad was about to turn round and shout at my father, when I ran into the kitchen and stood in front of him, pushing his legs against the cupboard with my back facing dad. He was looking at me with eyes that said thank you, I don't know what's up with him today! I just shot him a look saying no problem, I was getting annoyed too! Then I turned round to look my father in the eyes. His face was telling me that I ruined his game, but I just rolled my eyes at him and asked "Can I go round Gemma's this morning please?" Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, but he had a small smirk on his face when he did it, I knew he was being sarcastic. Before he could answer I heard dads voice behind me say "That's fine darling, ignore your father he's in a funny mood this morning! We'll walk you round before we leave... However we will have to pick you up before 5 or 6 as we have the show tonight! Okay?" I go over to him and give him a tight hug "That's fine" I say "Holly goes out at 12 so you could pick me up at 2 or 3 so I can get my things to come and watch the show. I could also help when we're there!" A cheeky grin spreads across my face. He laughs and nods "yeah alright. So we will probably pick you up at 2 or 3 then." "Thanks dad. Love you"
    We all got ready quickly after eating breakfast and left the house by 8. I was walked round the corner and down the small road to the house of Holly Willoughby and Dan Baldwin. I knocked on the door and stepped back waiting for someone to open it. A matter of seconds passed by before the door opens. A man with short brown hair and glasses stood in the door way. He was slightly taller than my father and looked to be in his his late 20's early 30's. I knew this man to be Dan Baldwin, Gemma's father. "Hello Dan" I say brightly with a smile across my face. I heard fast moving footsteps coming down the stairs and before anyone could do or say anything else Gemma launched herself into my arms and we shared a tight hug.
Before I knew it I was saying goodbye to my dads and ushered up to her bedroom. Inside she clung onto me like a small child. Only when I felt her body shaking within my grip did I realise she was crying. I held her close to my chest in silence for a few minutes, then pulled away slightly to look her in the eyes, I could clearly see the worry. I now understood the crying. She was worried about telling her parents. I pulled her close again and held her tightly, running my hand gently through her hair, "shh, it's alright. Don't worry, this will get sorted! And I'm sure your parents will be fine with it. Holly was when my parents came out publicly all those years ago. It's okay! Shush now." I keep comforting her and gently kissing her head until slowly, but surely her tears stopped. I continued to hold her for a few more minutes before standing up straight. "Right! Let's dry those eyes and once you feel ready we'll go downstairs and have this out in the open yeah?" She nods at me and walks across the hall to the bathroom. I wait, sat on her bed for her to return.
When she did come back 5 minutes later she looked slightly better, but she still looked like she's been crying. I gave her a small smile and took her hand. We started walking downstairs together. We got to the door way of the living room. She let go of my hand and walked into the room first. I followed close behind. When we were in the room we saw Holly and Dan sat on the sofa. In the play pen next to them Gemma's baby brother Chester was sat in the middle of all his little toys. Her parents had their backs to us as they were watching the TV and chatting. Gemma suddenly grabbed my upper arm. I stroked my right hand down her arm. She calmed and let go of me. She approached the sofa. "Mum, dad? Can we have a talk please?" Both her parents looked at her with the same worried faces that my parents gave me. I tried extremely hard to prevent a small giggle from escaping mouth at the memory of last night.
    The television was put on standby, and all eyes were on Gemma. I had retreated back to the door way. I watched Gemma, mentally giving her the comfort she needed. She was stood directly in front of her parents, where she could see them and I was also in full view. She was stood staring at the ground ringing her hands together. She looked petrified. I gave her a gentle smile as she started speaking, "Okay. So for a year and a half now, I've been keeping a secret from you... Nothing bad, just something... Well... Big..." Her voice faded from the room. Holly stood up and enveloped her daughter in a hug. Still holding her daughter Holly moved back to the sofa and sat her down in between her and Dan. Gemma was huddled against Holly's right side, and Dan had moved closer slinging his left arm over his daughters shoulders. Through her tears Gemma continued, "It's to do with my relationship... I'm in a relationship with... With..." She broke down. She tried hard to point towards me, but her hands had been pinned down within the hug.
I stepped forwards, I had to help my girl, she desperately wanted to say my name or point at me, but she couldn't. I walked over to the sofa and stood a couple of steps away from the arm of the chair, closest to Holly. "What she's trying to say is that she's in love with me... And I'm in love with her!" The passion was clear in my voice and the room was silent. In unison Holly and Dan looked at me, then down at Gemma who had curled up into a tight ball. Holly pulled her close as she openly sobbed. Dan got up off the sofa and started walking over to me, I suddenly got very panicked. Tears were stinging my eyes. Here was a man just under 6 foot and the father of my best friend and girlfriend approaching me with an unreadable expression on his face. I felt my knees start trembling. As soon as he was two steps away from me I felt my knees buckle. I started to collapsed onto the floor, when I felt Dans hands catch me underneath my arms. My face was pressed gently against his chest and tears of relief flowed down my cheeks. From that one action I knew that he was alright with my relationship with his daughter.
For the best part of an hour Dan held me and Holly held Gemma as we both sobbed with relief. When our tears had stopped Dan walked me over to the sofa and without any words he sat me down next to Gemma. Gemma moved away from Holly and turned to face me. I put my hands on her cheeks, rubbing my thumbs along the visible tear tracks. I closed the gap between our lips and we shared a short, sweet kiss. And we cuddled close together. Holly and Dan had left the room. And we heard the door close not long after. I guessed the time was about 12 as that's when Holly had to go out.
Gemma and I sat on the sofa for a couple of hours. Dan was doing housework and we had the television on. I was flicking through the channels when there was a knock at the door. We heard it being opened and a familiar male voice said, "Hello Dan. Is she still here?" It was my Dad. He'd come to pick me up. Dan replied with, "Yes she is Ant. Come in, their in the living room." The footsteps of my Dad and Dan were heard approaching the living room. Before we would moved away from each other at this moment, but now our parents knew about us, and were alright about it so Gemma and I stayed in a tight cuddle. My arms were wrapped around her waist and her head was rested against my shoulder. Dad and Dan entered the room and I turned my head slightly so I could only just see my Dad. He smiled brightly at me and said "Come on you. Sorry for dragging you away, but we need to get going and this is what we agreed!" I rolled my eyes and turned to Gemma. I kissed her gently on the lips and got off the sofa. I went over to my Dad, "Alright. I know. I'm ready to go, but I do need to get my stuff from home!" "I know. Come on you. See you later Dan. Bye Gemma" she waves with a grin on her face. I blew her a kiss, said goodbye to Dan and left the house with Dad.

AN: Sorry this took a while to write. Next chapter will be the last one for this story. Not sure if I'll write another story please give me opinions on whether I should or not, and any suggestions for story's would be appreciated, may not write loads but we'll see. Thanks for reading and the next chapter will come soon xx.

My confession to my parents Ant and DecTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang