I need to tell them

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Charlottes POV
    The film ended and Gemma and I were wandering around random shops not particularly interested in buying anything when I suddenly thought that I didn't ask what time I was wanted home. It was already 1 o'clock and I wasn't sure if my dads had to go out this afternoon or not. I turned to Gemma and ask "What time are you going home?" She looked at me and said "probably whenever you do. So what time are you going home?" "I'm not sure, I forgot to ask. Let me just text my father now." I got my phone out and text my father.
Hi dad. Just texting to ask you what time you want me home? xx
He got back to me quickly saying,
Can you get back by 3 please. Love you xx.
I text back,
Yes. Love you too xx.
And I put my phone back in my pocket.
    We wandered around aimlessly for two and a half more hours before we started to walk back to mine. I began to be more quiet while we were walking as I was thinking about wanting to tell my parents about my relationship. I suddenly stopped in the middle of the path and turned to Gemma, who had an extremely confused look on her face. I put my arms around her waist and said "Gem, I think that we need to tell our parents about us... I mean it's getting serious now and I just feel that they should know."  She stares at me and then smiles. I smile back at her, but it soon fades from my face and I look at the ground. I'm not sure how their going to take it.
    She lifts my chin and pecks me on the lips. Then she says "I think so too. Do you want me to be with you while you tell them or not?" I think for a moment then shake my head. "No" I say "I don't know how they'll take it, and I don't want you in the firing line if they don't take it well." She shakes her head and kisses my lips again. "I'm sure they'll be fine about it... I mean you told me that before they were together they were best friends. And this is no different to them. But if you feel like it's something you want to do alone then I won't push you." I just nod with tears welling in my eyes while I'm thinking about their reaction to my relationship, and pull her into a tight hug.
    Once the hug broke we continue to walk towards my house hand in hand. When we get to my door I let go of her hand, like we normally do, and I knock on the door. My dad smiles at me and Gemma. "Hello Mr Donnelly-McPartlin" Gemma says as we step into the house. He looks at me, then back at Gemma still smiling brightly, he says "Now Gemma, I've told you before, call me Ant. Otherwise there may be some confusion on who your talking to... And it makes me sound like I'm your English teacher or something." We all start laughing and Gemma nods her head.
    I quickly shuffle her up to my room, where we spend about 10 minutes talking and she keeps telling me that we can take our time with coming out to our parents, but just tell her that I want to get it out of the way so we can be happy. We have a goodbye kiss and cuddle and we walk downstairs.
    We walk into the living room and Gemma says "I'm going to go home now, Ant and Dec." My father turns to her and asks " Do you want me to walk you there?" Gemma shakes her head and says "No thank you Dec, I'll be alright it's not dark and I'm only round the corner, so I'm fine" he smiles and nods at her, him and dad say goodbye as I show her out, giving her a quick hug before she walks down the path and heads home.
    I close the door and walk into the living room. I sit down on the sofa, in between my dads and start to think about how I was going to tell them. I suddenly looked up and glances at both of them, they were watching this sports programme. I looked at my lap and said "Daddy. Dada." They both turned and looked at me slightly surprised at the childishness of my tone. I looked at both of them in turn and said "After dinner can I talk to you please?" My father looked at me with a worried look in his eyes. "Of course darling" he says "you alright?" I just nod my head and settle my back against the sofa.

My confession to my parents Ant and DecWhere stories live. Discover now