The Rest of Our Lives Together

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AN: Sorry this took so long guys had a lot of stuff on but here it is the last chapter enjoy!!
AN2: Song above included in the story. I'll write when to play it in bold when it gets to the right part.
    We got home and I ran up to my room to find my taylored suit. When my dads had gone to get fitted for their suits for the show I had to go with them. When we were there I was also fitted with my own suit. I planned on wearing it so I could match my dads tonight at the studio. The suit was hung up in its special bag on the door of my wardrobe. I carefully got the bag, plus my new shoes that I got to match my parents completely. I went downstairs to meet Dad. "You ready to go now? Your fathers waiting outside in the car." Dad said, "Yeah I'm ready, I've got everything I need now." He gave me a big smile and without a word we walked out to our black chauffeur driven car. I climbed in to the back, being careful not to lean on my suit as I didn't want to crease it. I sat in the middle seat next to my father. He smiled at me and took my suit and shoes. He layed the suit across the shelf of the boot, and the shoe box by his feet. I put my seat belt on and Dad climbed in next to me. I was sandwiched between them, my father on the right of me and my dad on the left.

    We arrived at the ITV studios. We all got out of the car, this time Dad took my suit and shoes. I slid my hand into my fathers and the three of us walked into the building.
While we were walking through the corridors many people spoke to my parents. Unfortunately I inherited my Dads approach to new people. Around new people I go extremely shy and don't talk unless I'm told to or I've gotten to know the person while my parent have been talking to them. I stayed quite until we reached the lift to go up to the SNT set. I was more relaxed when the doors of the lift shut and it was just the threes of us inside. I lent into my fathers left side and wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled me tightly into a side hug as the lift rose to our floor.
    We walked out of the lift and made our way towards their dressing room.
    When we were inside I collapsed onto the sofa that sits in the middle of the room. "Right you, it's now half past 4. Are you hungry?" My father asked. "Yeah I am!" I said patting my stomach, he gave a small laugh and put his hand on my shoulder, "Alright then, let's get some lunch/dinner, then we can get ourselves completely ready for the show yeah?" "Yeah! But we just got here, and we're going to go out and get some food?! We should have thought about it before we got here Dad!" I raise my eyebrows and my father shrugs his shoulders at me. "Come on then you two, there isn't the time to stand around just talking of having lunch! Let's go get some." Dad says opening the dressing room door. "Alright Anth, keep your hair on. Wow your grumpy when your hungry. Come on let's go" by the time my father had finished his sentence I had already skipped over to my dad and he looked over at me. "Hurry up father. We're only waiting for you now!" I say with a wide grin on my face. "Alright cheeky let's go!" He said walking over to us and leaving the room. Dad rolled his eyes at me and then we followed him out.
    We went to a restaurant opposite the studio. We all sat down at a table in the corner and looked at the menus ... When we order dad said "So, you know what your doing in the show tonight baby girl?" I looked at him confused, "What do you mean? I thought I was just coming to support you, and maybe come on at the very end of the end of the show show." My parents look at each other. They look back at me and dad speaks again "No. We added in a section of the show for our first episode for you to come on stage and join us... That's why we got you the suit!" "So you planned this for over a week and didn't tell me!" I was frustrated and angry, and at that point our food arrived. We sat eating in uncomfortable silence. Dad finished first so he sat back in his chair and got his phone out. I finished not long after him, I got up to go to the toilet when dad asks "where are you going sweetheart?" "Toilet" I say still annoyed at him. He nods his head and I leave.
Ants POV
After Charlotte had gone I turned to Decky, "2 things Decs. 1, why didn't to talk to our daughter like we said? And 2 you did give Dan the tickets for tonight, plus the outfit yes?" Dec finished the last of his meal and turns to me "1 we didn't agree on anything about telling her Anth, we obviously both forgot! And 2, yes I did, and Dan said they'd be at the show tonight!" I was about to respond to him, but our conversation ended as soon as I saw Charlotte coming back.
Charlotte POV
When I get back to our table my parents are lookin very suspicious, but I just ignore that fact an go back to the matter of tonight's show. "Okay" I say as I sat down. Both my parents look up at me, "Are you going to tell me what I'm doing in the show tonight or not?" This time my father spoke "Well it's going to be a one off section called 'joined my our daughter' where obviously, you join us on stage. If people like it then we might do it again. We are going to be performing together tonight. Just follow the auto cue, you'll be brilliant" I sat silent for a while, just trying to take in the information. After, I nodded my head unable to speak. Dad looked at his watch "okay it's 20 to 5. Let's pay and get back, we need to get you sorted out so you are ready to go on stage. Come on." We all got up, dad paid the bill and we all headed back to the studio.
    We got back to the studio and dad took me to makeup while my father went back to the dressing room. I sat silently in the make up chair, Dad was busy chatting to people around the room. I was having my make up put on and I tried to give him a look, but the woman was still busy so I sat still. I didn't like being in a room full of strangers. I started to panic. The make up woman obviously noticed. "Ant" she said. "You might need to come and help me here please." Dad walked over and knelt down in front of me "Baby. Look at me please" I looked up into his hazel eyes. I blinked at the tears that where welling in my eyes, "Oh little'un, I'm sorry. I should have been here with you. It's alright. I'm here now. Let's get you sorted and then go find your father yeah?" I nod my head and he drys my eyes.
    Dad stayed with me and talked to me until I was done. I stood up, dad pulled me into a side hug and we headed back to the dressing room. I ran up to my father as soon as we entered the room and sat next to him on the sofa. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and pushed my head into his left shoulder. He pulled me into a tight hug and looked up at dad.
Dec's POV
    I didn't understand why  Charlotte was clinging onto me as tightly as she is. I looked up at Ant and mouthed 'what's the matter?' He looked at me apologetically and mouthed back 'my fault, sorry.' I roll my eyes at him as I guess what he's on about. Charlotte's never been very good in a room full of strangers and can have panic attacks if she doesn't get used to the people around her. I hold her tighter and gently rub my hands down her back. "Hush now. It's alright. Come on we can't have you ruining your make up now eh?" She gave me a weak giggle through her tears. I smile down at her "That's what we want. Not tears yeah? Right, I know dada was stupid and probably got a bit carried away talking or something." Charlotte shuffles closer to me and Ant walks over. "Yeah, I'm sorry princess. Dada was stupid! Can you forgive me?" Ant had a rather childish tone, it was like when Charlotte was little and he'd forgotten something that he'd promised. Charlotte giggled and pulled away from me. She turned to Ant and said "of course I can... Dada" She gave him a cheeky smile.
Charlottes POV
I stood up and hugged him tightly. "Right then you," he said pulling away "you need to get changed. We need to go back to make up, and I think your father will take you this time, while I wait for you on set so that we organise what we're doing tonight. It's almost 6, so you need to get a shuffle on!" I move away and go to get my suit. I go into the bathroom to get changed.
     Five minutes later I'm ready and there is a knock on the door. I open it and my parents are standing there in their matching suits and slightly different ties. Dad had a black tie with small grey dots on it and father had a black and grey striped tie. I had a dark blue tie, but I couldn't tie it. "Can I have some help please?" I asked. Dad took it and does it up around his neck. Once he was done he put it on me and pushed the knot up so it was in a comfortable position. I smiled and without another word we all left the dressing room. Dad went in the direction of the studio and I went with my father back to makeup to fix what I had cried off. My father stayed with me the entire time, he talked to me and a couple of the make up girls. We were soon finished and we went to find dad in the studio. It was about 6o'clock so I needed to be quick with my rehearsal and being told what I was actually doing.
"Right, Charlotte? Baby?" I looked up and dad was stood in the middle of the stage.
"Yes dad?" I ask walking towards him. "Now, what's going to happen is, we do the show and then, we do Ant Verses Dec that will happen and during that you will be put into position back stage ready to come out and the stage will be set during the break. Alright? Ali will be with you at all times so don't worry you'll be with someone you know. Ok?" "Yes dad. But what am I doing?" He looked at me, then up at my father who was stood next to me. He looked at me again and said "we're all gunna sing a song together. Me, you and your father. That ok?" I just nod my head. I felt a lump in my throat stopping the words from coming out. My stomach was in knots as I felt my nerves build up inside me. I felt my fathers arm wrap around my shoulders and I was pulled into a tight, secure hug. He whispered comforting words into my ear, and told me not to be nervous, because it they will be with me on stage, and they will be singing with me.
I calmed myself down quickly as it was nearly time for the audience to come in, and we had to go backstage.
The studio quickly filled up with people. I was taken to a room backstage where I met with my parents manager Ali. My parents had left to get themselves into position, but not before I was fussed over and asked multiple times if I was going to be alright. I mean I've known Ali for a long time now, she has been their manager for years and their close to her, so why shouldn't I be comfortable to be with her. We sat in comfortable silence for a while as we waited for the show to begin. After a short amount of time the show started. We heard the voice over from the guest announcer David Tennant, the introductions of my parents came swiftly and so did their journey down the stairs to the stage. I've always felt a sense of pride and excitement when I watch my parents on TV.
Soon the team broke for an ad break. "Do you want to go to them?" Ali asked, I nod my head and say "yeah, if that's going to be alright?" "Of course it is darling, no one is going to stop you from seeing your parents. Especially not me!"
We start walking through the corridors towards the area that's directly behind the stage. I stayed close by Ali's side as I was nervous about going on stage later and seeing so many unfamiliar faces around me made me feel worse.
    In a short amount of time we got to the area where my parents were sat side by side reading through their scripts. "Hey boys." Ali said "I've got a little 'fan' to come see you!" Both of them looked up at Ali, I stepped into their view and looked up at Ali. She giggled at the expression on my face. My dad stood up, walked over to me and put his right arm around my shoulders, pulled me into a tight side hug and with an over protective but child like tone asked me "are you being picked on little'un?" I put a fake sad expression on my face and in my best childish voice I say "yeah Dada" I looked up at Ali who had an over the top hurt expression on her face. My father took me from dad, we sat on the two chairs that were provided backstage and I was in a tight side hug. Dad stood in front of Alison. Messing around he put his hands on his hips and stood up straight. In high heels Ali is about the same height as dad, so he tried his hardest to pretend to look threatening, but it would never have worked. He had an angry father look on his face and didn't say anything. After a little while he just pulled Ali into a hug and said "thanks for keeping an eye on her pet!" Ali just nodded against him and then the hug broke. He came over to where I was sat with my father and the three of us shared a safe secure hug.
    Soon they had to go back on stage, Ali and I went back to the room we were in previously and sat down to watch the show again.
    Most of the show has happened now. The undercover VT has been shown where they had truly fooled Holly Willoughby again, Little Ant and Dec have done their bit and interviewed David Walliams about his books and my Dads have successfully completed their Ant VS Dec challenge of an oddly themed treasure hunt where they had to go into a room and find items that matched the clue. My father had won and dad had pretended to stop speaking to him. Their both competitive, but that would never happen!
    We're in the middle of a break now and I'm going to be going on stage once this break is over. I'm physically shaking because I'm so nervous.
5 minutes until we're on again. Dad walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He whispered comforting and encouraging words in my ear and I slowly relaxed.
    I'm waiting behind the platform, and I can hear my parents introducing the next part of the show.
Ant - Hello and welcome back to Saturday Night Takeaway
Dec - The only show on telly that says don't just watch the adverts...
Audience - WIN THEM!
Ant - Right this next part of the show is a one off for the beginning of this series.
Dec - That's right as some of you may know Ant and I have a teenage daughter, and we felt that since she has been watching the show for a long time backstage over the years, we thought that it was about time she joined us on stage!
Cheers erupted from the audience, then fizzled out when dad said,
Ant - Yes. This part for one night, and one night only is called joined by our daughter!
Dec - And here she is, welcome to the stage, our daughter Charlotte Donnelly-Mcpartlin.
Cheers and claps filled the studio and I made my entrance onto the stage holding my microphone tightly. My parents came over to me and stood either side in Ant and Dec order.
Charlotte - Hello Dads. Hello everyone!
I say loudly down the mic. People cheer loudly and only settle when dad says,
Ant - Right then you! Let's get cracking with this. Now you know what we're doing don't you?
Charlotte - Well yeah Da, I do, because you only told me two hours before you went on stage didn't you?!
The audience ohh in unison and dad turns bright red.
Dec - Well let's get on with it then eh?! Tonight the three of us are going to sing Hero by Enrique Iglsias.
Before we started singing I spotted someone I didn't expect to see. Gemma was sat on an aisle seat in the middle section of the audience. She smiled at me and said "Good luck baby!" My nerves faded away and I was ready to sing.

Play song now
Dec- Let me be your hero

Dec and Ant- Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back?
Would you cry if saw me crying?
Would you save my soul tonight?

Ant and Charlotte- Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh, please tell me this.
Now would you die, for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.

All- I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

All- Would you swear, that you'll always been mine?
Would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care. You're here tonight.

Dec and Charlotte- I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

While I was singing the chorus with my father, dad made his way up the stairs and stopped beside Gemma. The instrumental kicked in and Dad began to speak down his mic. "Come with me!" Gemma took his hand and they walked towards the stage. He continued to talk. "Ladies and gentlemen! Yesterday Charlotte told us that she had been in a relationship with her best friend for over a year. She was obviously very nervous about it, but we support these two girls, and always will do! We love you princess!" Gemma can and stood with me, I grabbed her hand with my free one as I began to sing to her.

Charlotte- Oh, I just want to hold you.
I just want to hold you. Oh yeah.

All- Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
Well, I don't care. You're here, tonight.

I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.
I can take away the pain.
And I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero.

After the song I pulled Gemma into a tight hug and whispered "I love you!" Into her ear.
Dec - Ladies and gentlemen please give a HUGE round of applause for our daughter Charlotte and her girlfriend Gemma. Well done Little'un!
The audience cheered and clapped as I said goodbye to my parents and left the stage with Gemma.
    When we were backstage I asked Gemma "How did you get here, I thought we were sold out?" "Yeah dad said that he was given the tickets!" "I can guess who by!" I looked behind me and saw Ali smiling, "My parents think of everything!" "Yeah. I'm glad they do!" "So am I!" I hug her tightly and say "This is the beginning of us! The rest of our life together!"

The end!

My confession to my parents Ant and DecWhere stories live. Discover now