Cant fight this feeling...

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My pov
We pulled up to the club doors and stopped in the Valle parking. Cian and Bren both got out after insisting me and Chloe stayed in the car. The came around to our side and opened our doors. Such gentlemen.

They took our hands and Cian gave the guy the car keys and we headed inside. The club was huge so it wasn't that crowded but there were still a lot of people. We found a little table that was empty and sat down to order drinks. None of us were drinkers so we all just order glasses of pop. We sat and talked for a bit before Cian asked me to dance.

He took my hand and held me close as we worked our way onto the dance floor. A very upbeat song was just ending and REO Speedwagon's song 'Cant fight this feeling' came on. It was sorta a slow song so Cian put his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders.

We swayed back and forth for a bit before Cian pulled me closer and I was dancing while listening to his heartbeat, perfectly in time with mine. We slowly turned in a circle, I happened to catch a glimpse of Brendan and Chloe off to the edge of the dance floor.

They were dancing really close too. They really did make a cute couple. Chloe had looked up to face Bren and they gave each other a very passionate kiss. I guess Bren didn't care about PDA cause I thought the kiss was kinda long. I was still listening to Cian's heartbeat when I heard him start singing the lyrics to the song....

"My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you. I've been running round in circles in my mind...And it always seems that I'm following you, girl Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find.

And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night, And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might...

And I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fighting for. It's time to bring this ship into the shore, And throw away the oars, forever...Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I started fighting for, And if I have to crawl upon the floor, Come crashing through your door, Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore." Cian sang into my ear.

I smiled as much as I ever had since I met him just a few days ago. I looked up towards him as the song ended and we both smiled as we kissed like Bren and Chloe did. He was an amazing singer and he made me feel so special. I had such a fun night dancing it away with Cian right by side.

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