a little more permanent...

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Cian's pov'This sucks

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Cian's pov
'This sucks...' Amie said as we were cuddled up in the morning watching tv.

'What does babe?' I asked worried a bit

'Its been two months....I only have one month left before I need to go back to the states for school. I dont wanna go...' She responded cuddling up close to me. 'I dont wanna leave you...'

'Ok yeah that does suck...I dont want you to leave either...' I said hugging her closer to me. I imagined the day she had to go to the airport. Me driving her there, helping her with her ticket and bags and stuff, and finally reaching the point where I couldnt go with her through the gates and both of us crying, hugging, and not wanting to let go.

Alright enough of that....i couldnt let that happen. I couldnt just sit there and let this girl go not knowing when I was ever going to see her again.

"what are we going to do?" she asked me...

"I dont know yet...we still have a month though. Dont worry, we will figure something out. For now lets just have fun with the time we have together." I said kissing her forehead. "I love you"

"I love you too" she faintly smiled.

*phone rings*

"I got it!" I told her getting up. I got to the phone and answered it

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey man! Guess what?!" I heard my brother Daire say on the other end of the line.

"Hey Daire, nice to hear from you too how have you been?" I joked.

"Haha sorry bro. Im just so excited!" He responded.

"Well what happened?" I asked.

"I got into Dublin University! I just received my acceptance letter today!"

"Hey Thats awesome! Congrats bro!" I said.

"Ive been in such a good mood and Im telling everyone! Mom dad and Finian already know and Im about to call Eimhin and let him know too." He told me.

"Well Im proud of ye Daire! Dont let me hold up your celebrations! Go call Eimhin!" I responded.

"Thanks Cian! Talk to ye later!" he said as we hung up. I started walking back to the living room when suddenly an idea hit me. 💡
With Daire at the U and my connections maybe we could get Amie transfered in... Im going to bring her back to my parents house and ask them about maybe doing that. Besides its about time Amie met my family anyways. I mean I met hers on the first day we met.

I walked back into the living room with a huge grin on my face...maybe i wouldnt loose her after all. I sat down next to her and continued to smile.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked me smiling herself.

"Daire got into the University!"

"Oh thats awesome! Im so happy for him!" She smiled still

"Plus I might have something planned....." I smirked towards her...

"Which is...." she asked a bit worried.

"First things first....how would you like to meet my family?" I asked her

"I would love to! You've told me so much about them and they sound amazing!" she smiled.

"Great! Its still early, lets get ready and we can go visit as our plans for the day!" I said standing up and pulling her up with me. I kissed her quick as we raced upstairs to our bedroom and packed a day or twos worth of clothing in the same bag.

"Hey grab all of your documents too like your passport and US citizenship card and stuff"

"Why? Dont they live here in Mayo too?" she asked

"Just trust me. I have a plan but I need your documents and stuff."

"Cian I do trust you...but these are very important.....what do we need them for?" She asked looking really worried. I walked over to her and kissed her again.

"I might have an idea that involves you going to Dublin University...." I said looking to see her reaction.

"You mean to get me transfered?!! You would do that?!! I thought it was too late in the year to switch?!!" she said getting more excited

"Well with Daire being accepted it would be easier, plus I might have a few connections there. I could pull some strings and see what I could do. Thats one reason why I asked if you wanted come visit my parents. I want to talk with them about going there to see what we can do."

"Oh My God Cian! No one has ever done something like this for me before! Its so sweet! I love you!" she said giving me big hug.

"I love you too! But just so you know, Im not guaranteeing that you will get in...all Im saying is that Im going to go talk with them and see."

"Thats fine! Im so excited! Do I get to go with you there and maybe tour the campus a bit just in case?"

"Yeah you can come with! I might need you with me when we meet the Dean and staff because they might want to ask you a few questions"

"oh my gosh I cant wait!" she said.

"Well lets finish grabbing everything and head off!" I said as Amie went and grabbed her documents, I grabbed our bag and the car keys and both of us headed out the door.

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