Chapter 1

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It was 10:28 in the morning. At New York high school the kids where busy working in there class rooms. Well most of them. But four girls weren't,there names are Carolina,Madeline,Anna,and Angela. These girls don't go to school but they do go to work

Carolina is a major softball players for the Florida Gators softball team

Madeline makes beautiful art work and sells it around the world

Anna (pronounce like the princess) makes the gorges clothes

Angela is a star soccer player

All the girls have been great friends sense THE BEGINNING OF TIME!!SHUT UP ANHELA I AM TRYING TO NARRATE! Sorry! You may continue. Thank you *clears throat* Now where were we-Ah
The girls were the best of friends sense the day they were born. All of them would travel the world together.
They thought that what the world wanted for them. Ha, they thought wrong

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