Chapter4: When they meet again

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Madeline pov
Today me and Anna needed to go to the store because she needed some more cloth and sewing kit cause she let Angela borrow hers and she lost it, and me I need a new easel because Caroline broke my other one cause she was trying to practice her softball in the house. I woke up early and I woke up Anna, she was mad but hey she will get over it, I hope.
*a few hours later*
Me and Anna are on our way home after a long day of shopping Anna said that her feet are killing her and I told her not to wear heels but she does not listen, we were walking home and we had to pass an alley in order to get home and it was dark outside. Then these guys came out Anna recognized them, they were the purple dragons."uh, Madeline I think we should get out of here" Anna whispered."why?"I asked,"cause.......u know what I will explain that at home if we make it"Anna said back."Well,well,well what do we have here"one of the purple dragons said. Anna and I tried running but two of the purple dragons caught up with us and pinned us to a wall, they were holding knifes to our faces. I was terrified and I could tell Anna was too. She kept struggling,so he made a cut on her face. She screamed and I just stood there I did not want my face cut then Anna blacked out. Then I heard something land in front of us,I recognized  them," let her go" the purple one said,"can you help her?" I asked, they nodded. The red one picked up Anna, they started running but I could not keep up. So the purple one picked me up, then they went into the sewer,"Raph bring her her to my lab" the purple one said. He nodded and rushed to his lab and carefully set Anna down on one of the lab beds the purple one came in seconds later with me in his arms, he put me down and started to tend to Anna's wound and that was a deep cut but luckily she was still breathing"oh miss I don't think properly we introduced ourselves, I'm Donatello and this is my brother Raphael"." Very nice to meet you, my name is Madeline and her name is Anna"," you two look alike are you guys sisters?" Raph asked,"no sadly we are not sisters, however we are  cousins" I responded and raph nodded
Anna pov
I was starting to wake up but I was in an unfamiliar room I open my eyes to see the same turtles that me and Madeline saw the night before and they were staring down at me and so was Madeline."Uh who are u and were am I?" I asked," oh right um Anna this is Donatello and his brother Raphael they saved us from the purple dragons, well I just needed help getting out of there you were the one who got a cut and it was deep but luckily u were still breathing and u blacked out" Madeline said I nodded and I got up off the lab bed I was about to walk out when I saw a big rat standing at the entrance and he did not look happy, I backed up slowly until I get something on my back I looked up and it was Raphael I I could tell he was shocked so I moved beside him
"Raphael Donatello what have I told u about bringing humans down to our lair" the rat said,"ok sensei I know that bringing humans down to our lair is bad but I think we can really trust these girls plus this one her name is Anna she had a huge, deep cut on her face and her friend Madeline was freaking out cause the purple dragons were after them but they did not see us, cause we knocked them out" Raph said ,"I see well girls you must promise to keep our existence a secret."the rat said,"yes sir we promise right Anna"madeline said"yes we promise"I said" very well" the rat said and left,"who was that?" I asked"um that is our father" Donnie replied"ok, cool" I said and smiled. Then two more turtles showed up and I recognized them,"hold on haven't I seen u guys before, oh that's right you guys stalked me and my friends"I said,"oh so it was guys who were watching us" Madeline said"ok before you get all mad and think that we are stalkers why don't u get to know us first" the blue one said"ok first question who are you?"I asked." Oh my name is Leonardo and this is Michelangelo but you can call us Leo and Mikey","nice to meet you I'm Anna and this is Madeline and we have two other friends their names are Caroline and Angela, and we probably should get back to them their probably wondering were we are,it was nice meeting u guys again and thank  you Donatello for fixing my cut."I said" it was nothing and you can call me Donnie"donnie said I nodded and me and Madeline left, we ran out of the sewers and it was 12:30 AMwe had to get back to Caroline and Angela. We finally made it home and we saw that Caroline and Angela were already asleep so we changed and went to sleep our selves"what a crazy day"Madeline said I nodded and we went to sleep.

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