Chapter3: When they meet

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Anna's pov
The next day I woke up early so I decided to make breakfast for my best friends I did not want to but I had this felling too. Then when breakfast was done I called every one to the table to come and eat then when they were done I just stood there at the sink and wonder who that was in the phone last night and how he got my number then Caroline walked by and saw me and snapped me out of my daydream." You ok Anna?" she asked." Uh,yeah I'm fine" I responded,"don't lie" Madeline said cause she heard me and Caroline talking." Ok fine it's just that I got a call last night from an unknown person and he told me to meet him on the roof tonight at 10:00" I said Caroline and Madeline just stood there looking at me like I was crazy but I was not then Madeline spoke,"ok then I'm coming with you"
*time skip to 9:50 at night*
It is ten minutes before 10:00 and me and Madeline were on the roof of there apartment and Caroline was at a softball game and Angela was at a soccer game. They were waiting on the roof for ten minutes until two giant mutant turtles showed up,  one of them had a purple mask and the other had a red mask I fainted when I heard the red turtle speak. A few minutes later I was awake due to someone splashing really cold water on my face I look up to see Madeline I was so mad at her I chased her around the apartment not knowing the they were being watched by the red masked turtle and his brothers then Caroline and Angela came home from their games and their teams won and they saw me chasing Madeline. Caroline and Angela held me back while Madeline went to the bathroom and locked the door." Great you let her get away thanks a lot!" I yelled, "your welcome" said Angela. I growled and Angela stepped back. Then I felt like someone was watching me. I looked out all the windows but there was no one there then I went outside and I felt someone pull me into an alley.I realized that it was the purple dragons, I was actually kinda happy cause I wanted to kick someone's butt but the problem was that there was too many of them and I took off to the apartment but they caught up to me,good thing I was good at track and I outran them on the way I felt like I was still being watched I looked up and I saw four shadows the same shadows that me and Madeline saw when we first got here. I climbed up the fire escape and I saw four mutant turtles I recognized two of them,"where you guys watching me and my friends?"I asked to the blue turtle "yes,yes we were"he responded. " Oh my god you guys are stalkers!, wait how did you guys know were we lived?"I said and they just looked at me like I was the one who was crazy, then " we...uh sorta followed the taxi that you guys were in", the red turtle said,"oh, you guys were the shadows me and and my friend Madeline saw and I took a picture of it",I showed them the picture of the shadows that me and Madeline saw the purple one looked at it and then he said" those are our turtle shadows alright". "Yeah, I knew that already when I took it and when I saw you guys"I said with a little bit of sass. Then I noticed the red turtle staring at me "why don't you take a picture it will last longer" I said to him, he chuckled."Hey I gotta go my friends are probably wondering were I am,I hope we meet again" I said as I was heading for the fire escape," we will" the red turtle said as they jumped to another roof and I went down the fire escape and   back to the apartment when I got there I collapsed on the couch not even saying one thing to any of them and Madeline was still in the bathroom then she came out to see me sleeping on the couch and then they all went to sleep

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