Chapter 2:landing

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I was on the plane to New York City with my best friends. Carolina,Anna,and Angela. Carolina has a softball game here,Angela has a soccer game, Anna wants to sell her clothes that she designed and buy new clothes she and I want to sell my painting.
"Yes! Finally we can leave!" Angela yelled,while gaining attention from other passengers. Wait I sit next to her. I quickly covered my face with my hands. Angela doesn't embarrass me,I'm just a REALLY shy person
Heck! Call me anti social if u must. The only reason why I have my friends is because
One, we all went to school together
Two, my parents knew carolinas parents
Three, Angela and Anna came to me not the other way around

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked behind me to see who taped meh shoulder.Anna. "Can I help you?" I asked in my sweetest voice but I already knew what she was going to say"Aw~is Madeline being shy right now?" She asked in a baby voice which made Angela laugh and Anna earning a glare from me"to answer your question yes,yes I am" I said while sticking my tongue out. Sometimes I answer, sometimes I don't so it throws her off sometimes. She stuck her tongue back at me.
"Come on you babies, it's time to go" Carolina said while grabbing her luggage." Oh right" I  mumbled and got my luggage out of the compartment and went outside grab my larger bags. Usually I wouldn't pack this much but we're staying longer than usual. We are staying 2-3 months to be exact.
Carolina, Anna, and Angela soon came outside and waited for their luggage to arrive."What took u guy so long" I asked them." Some people like to take their time" Anna responded. I looked over a Angela who was jumping up and down from excitement,anyways back to Anna." Really? I would think that you would definitely want to hurry up as quick as as possible sense you were wanting to shop here so bad" I said to her with a smirk on my face. Her eyes lit up and she ran to grab her luggage and to the exit."HURRY UP! I WANT TO VIST ALL THE SHOPS!" She yelled witch mad us all laugh. We went outside the air port, Carolina called a cab and it was getting dark, they had to wait for about 10 minutes for the cab to arrive and then it was really dark by the time the cab got there, they got in the cab and when they were driving by an alley, Me and Anna saw something weird in the shadows. Anna got a pic of it cause they stopped at a stop sign,'what was that strange thing in the shadows' me and Anna thought. Then they got to the apartment. There was two bedrooms that were Carolinas and Angela's because they were athletes they needed their rest and me and Anna are going to take the couches and Anna argued with Carolina about it but I think they came to some kind of understanding. So when they got to the apartment they started to unpack then Anna got a call from a unknown number she answered it and it was a batman like voice telling her to meet him tomorrow night on her rooftop. She hung up the phone and she just stood there like a statue and then I came and snapped her out of if "you ok?" I asked."Yeah I'm fine" she responded, and they went to sleep." Today was fun yet weird" Anna told me before she went to sleep," yeah it was" I said and went to sleep myself

Love as a ninja Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ