Between the Right and the Real part 3

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When I awoke the next morning I was in an empty bed. The smell of cooking food told me Andy was more than likely in the kitchen. Getting dressed quickly I picked up my bag and unfinished homework and went out to the living room.

“When do you have to be at your school by?” Andy asked handing me a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I took the bacon and threw it at him.

“That depends on what time it is now.”

“It’s seven.” He sounded cautious.

“I need to be to school in five minutes then.” I shoveled food in my mouth, not caring to have any grace.

“We need to leave now then!”

Andy ripped the plate from my hands resulting in a cry of protest from me. He chucked it into the sink and grabbed my bag before pulling me by the arm out of the apartment and down the stairs, pulling me hurriedly to his car.

“You live like two minutes from my school.” I told him.

“No I don’t. I live like twenty.”

“No, you live two. I can walk from here.”

“Maybe they’ll understand the situation….” Andy continued rambling, completely lost in thought. I walked away from the car, ready to walk to school when he called out to me. “Where are you going?”

“School,” I looked back at him. “I have a Calculus test today. I really don’t want to miss it! I think I finally understand what you were talking about.”

“You won’t make it in time if you walk!” he shouted.

“Come with me and I’ll show you.” I never stopped walking. I heard his rushed steps and his panting beside me.

“If we’re not there in two minutes I’m driving you.” He was clearly annoyed.

“Okay, deal.” We turned the corner and my school was in sight. “We’re here. In less than two minutes too.”

I turned to look at him with a smirk, trying with every ounce of self-control I had not to stick my tongue out at him. His dumbfounded expression was amusing to no end.

“That’s seriously how close I live you our school? How did I not know that?”

“You’re stupid?” I smiled sweetly at him so he’d know I was joking.

“I know you are but what am I?” he stuck his tongue out at me.

“Really stupid?” I stuck my tongue out at him in return.

He sighed in defeat. “I’m not going to win am I?”

“Nope,” I grinned at him. “At least you recognize that.”

“Well then I’ll be here at—”

“I know Andy. Right after school.” I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

“What was that for?” he smiled down at me, hugging me back.

“Helping me out.” The bell rang and I scurried away from him, turning back to wave at him a few times before running to my locker to store my bag.

“What happened to your face?” Charlie asked when I opened my locker and turned to say hello to her.

“I’ll tell you later.” I glared at some of the onlookers who were obviously just as interested as why I was sporting a bruise. I was well known in the school as the girl who robbed a liquor store. After that no one messed with me.

“Cool. So what happened with you and Hanley?”

“He drove me home and I gave him your number instead of mine. Hope you don’t mind.” I grinned at her.

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