Between the Right and the Real part 5

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“You okay there tiger?” Hanley joked. It was an hour later and I was still fuming over Andy. That wasn’t to say I hadn’t been paying attention to Hanley.

“Yeah. I just hate being proved wrong.” I stabbed a piece of steak. “I thought he was different.”

“And you’re disappointed because he’s not. All guys are from the same mold sweetheart. But sometimes some of us break free of it. He did, but he still has some of the natural asshole in him we’re all born with.”

“Well, he’s right, I need to date my own age. I thought I wasn’t going to like you Hanley, but I have to say you’re pretty cool.” It was true. During the night I’d begun to feel something towards Hanley.

“You’re not just saying that are you?”

“No. I really do like you.” I smiled at him.

“You look beautiful.” He countered.

“You’ve only told me a few hundred times.” I giggled.

“Well it’s true.” He brushed his fingers over my cheek. “You’re adorable when you blush.”

“Do you say that to every girl you take out?”

“No. Just when it’s true.”

“This place has a two month waiting list. How’d you get in so soon?” I decided to change the subject.

“My mom is the owner and chef. She always makes sure there’s a free table for me if I want to bring a date here. Food’s on the house too.” He winked at me.

“Oh, wow.” I was lost for words.

“Shall we get going? It’s almost ten and we have school tomorrow.”

Hanley stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it graciously and let him pull me back to his car. He drove me back to Andy’s in a comfortable silence.

“So, about that kiss.” I said when he walked me up to Andy’s door.

“Can I have it?”

I stood on my toes and kissed him slightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. The door opened unexpectedly and Andy pulled me away from Hanley.

“You two have school tomorrow.” Andy said coldly. “Go to bed Emily.”

I went inside but only to sit on the couch. When Andy slammed the door and came to stand in front of me I felt fear pulse through me. He truly looked scary.

“Have fun?”

“Yes. Not that it should matter to you.” I snapped at him.

“Well it does!”


“Why? Why does it matter to me that you’re going out with someone else? Because I’m in love with you Emily! That’s why! I can’t stand the thought of you in someone else’s arms, or kissing someone else! When I opened the door and saw you kissing him I wanted to rip his head off!” He yelled at me.

“But you’re the one always saying that nothing can happen between us.”

“Because nothing can until you turn eighteen Emily! But that doesn’t mean I don’t want something to happen anyway!”

I stood up now, tired of being played with by him. I started walking towards the door and pulled out my phone, finding my dad in my contacts. “I’m going back home.”

“Emily just listen to me!” Andy grabbed my arm pulled my phone from my hands before I could hit the call button.

“No! I’m tired of this! One minute you say we can’t be together and then the next you’re saying you want something to happen between us! I can’t keep up anymore Andy!”

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