Chapter 3

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Sally's P.O.V:

There is some songs that I love, but I can't sing

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There is some songs that I love, but I can't sing. 

Poems that I love but I can't remember a word from them.

 Characters in some books, that I wished I was them.

 I have dreams, dreams that I only remember the beginning of it when I wake up and I've never succeeded on remembering the end of it.

There's a man in my dream, a man who I'm staying up all night with and I'll wake up next to him.

 A man with who I don't know at all how it will end for us, there is in my dream a man, a man that I didn't know what did he meant to me, I'll say there is a men, that I think about and stays away from my dream.

I cried a lot yesterday and I avoided everybody but I promised myself that from today, I'm going to be stronger than before.

So to do that, I choose one of my best outfits and I accompanied with my favorite orange high-heels, and then I put on make-up before making my way downstairs, and I was weird out to see both my parents still in my house, I thought that they left let's pray to go that they didn't heard me crying.

''Good morning sweetheart''Said mom, with a warm smile on her face and I couldn't help but to smile to back to her.

''Good morning''I really hated the way they were looking at me, like I'm going to break down at any moment, I'm not, I'm totally fine.

"How are you feeling today Sally?'' Asked my mom, I'm actually feeling great.

''I'm feeling awesome'' And quiet honestly I wasn't lying.

''Look honey, if you're saying that so we won't be sad'' No, I cried yesterday a lot and I promised myself that I'll forget Max like every one of my exes.

''No mom, leave the sadness away, I feel like I was born again'' I said then both my parents hugged me, I couldn't be better.

While we were having breakfast, my dad was telling me a joke after joke and they were all fart ones but I can't deny that they were hilarious.

''You know what I'm thinking? I think that it's a good thing that Max dumped me on the day of OUR wedding, I mean the prep for marriage was taking so long and I started to get bored anyway'' Okay, now I was straight up lying.

''I knew that you're strong but I wasn't excepting all of this after what happened last night, I'm so proud of you'' Said my dad with a warm smile and I smiled back at him.

''Sweetie, last night your dad and I were talking all night about you, and we know that what you lived yesterday wasn't easy for you so we thought that you should go to Greece, I mean you liked it there and we'll buy you a house there and you can stay for a month with your best friends'' I won't go away because of a man, I'm more stronger than that.

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