Chapter 10

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With my new dance classes and my regular college classes my schedule as pretty full. But I could keep up with it.

I was up early in the morning when I came to the realization that I had been at my new home for two whole weeks. I couldn't believe it.

Two whole weeks with four crazy boys and one sweet girl. But I didn't mind living with them they were the best people ever.

I was in the kitchen making coffee for everyone when the there was a knock on the front door.

I rush to the door and open it to Ray holding a passed out Mikey.

" What happened to Mikey ? He looks like hell." I ask

" Too much partying I guess." Ray says

" You guys had a party?" I ask

" No more like we went to one. Can we come inside?" Ray asks

" Sure come on in." I say

He carries Mikey in and sets him on the couch . I look over my brother knowing I'll have to connect with him more.

" Do you want some coffee?" I ask

" Sure." Ray says with a smile

I go into the kitchen and pour some out if the pot into a mug. I then bring the cup out into the living room to Ray.

" Thanks." Ray says

" No problem." I say

" Why are you up so early?" Ray asks

" I don't know but I decided to make some coffee for everyone." I say

" Well you're super nice." Ray says

" I am?" I ask

" Yea and today's the two week anniversary of you being with us." Ray says

" Yea that's crazy. Almost seems like yesterday you guys kidnapped me." I say

" Yea sorry about that." Ray says

" No problem." I say

He smiles and sets down his cup of coffee. Soon we both hear footsteps on the stairs and we both look to see who it is.

Of course it was Frank. He stepped sleepily down the stairs and with his eyes barely open he turns and looks at us.

" Good morning guys." Frank says

" Good morning Frank." I say

" What are you doing here Ray?" Frank asks

" Taking care of him." Ray says as he nods towards Mikey

" Woah what happened to him?" Frank asks

" Way too much partying." I say

" Oh boy. Is there any coffee ?" Frank asks

" It's in the pot." I say

" Sweet thanks." Frank says

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