Chapter 17

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Two weeks have passed since Gerard told me he was going to propose . No he still hasn't done it yet. But that's because he was looking for the right ring.

I don't blame him. If I was a guy and I was going to propose to my girlfriend I would want to find the right ring too.

I had still been getting creepy messages too . I didn't think anything of them. But they were starting to freak me out though.

I was going with Gerard today though to find a ring . He needed a girls advice for this kind of stuff and I was happy to go .

When I went downstairs Gerard was already at the door tapping his foot impatiently.

" Come on Ronnie!" Gerard yells impatiently

" I'm coming Gerard." I say

I grab a piece of toast that was set on the table and together we rush out the door. When we get in his car I could barely contain my excitement .

"Ronnie calm down ." Gerard says

" But you don't understand . I've been waiting for this practically since I started living with you guys." I say

Gerard smiles and puts his foot on the gas. When we get to the jewelers I rush inside. There were so many things to choose from and it had to be special.

Alyssa was a special girl. As Gerard and I walked the aisles I couldn't help but smile to myself. She was gonna be my brother's wife.

It was all surreal . It made me think of my own wedding day. That's if a guy would actually consider marrying me.

We already had the plan of execution for the proposal . I think it's time we told you how. Well my plan was for the boys to throw a show and then have Gerard propose on stage.

How cute would that be? Then everyone will know and we won't have to reveal it later.

" Do you see anything ?" Gerard asks when we finished walking the aisles and we're back at the main part of the store

"Nope . Nothing that suits her." I say

So we get back into his car and drive to the next jeweler store. When we got there we did the same routine as before. But we didn't find anything there so we decided to drive to the next one.

When we got there we were both pretty tired and we were sure we wouldn't find anything . But when we got inside the energy seemed different. So I walked the aisles by myself.

Then there it was. The perfect ring. It was so beautiful and I knew somehow that it was the ring for Alyssa .

" Is this the one?" Gerard asks when he stops where I am standing

" Yes. I can feel it." I say

" Then it's the one." Gerard says

We call the employee over and have them take the ring out. After Gerard pays and we get back into the car I scream. It was a scream of happiness.

" You sure are happy." Gerard says

" Well I love her. So do all the guys. Speaking of the guys have you told them ?" I ask

" Yea. Way before I told you ." Gerard says

" So you see we're all happy for you." I say

" I know." Gerard says

" Does Alyssa know we're out?" I ask

" Yea I left her a note." Gerard says

" Ok good because I don't want her finding us and seeing the bag ." I say

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