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Two weeks came and went with happiness flowing through their days. Ray was the best companion during the days when I missed my brother and sister-in-law most.

It's been two years now. Gerard and Alyssa have two kids. Angela and Dominic are the cutest niece and nephew in the world.

I continue to talk to Nicole and Ashton, who last year became a couple. Matt, Bailey, and I quit dance classes because it conflicted with our work.

I took Mikey's advice and I started a three piece band with them. We are set to tour with My Chemical Romance this summer.

Maybe it was fate that I caught the bouquet because now Ray and I are set to be married after the tour is over. I was sitting on the couch in our living room when the door bell rang signally the arrival of our guests.

"I'll get it." I called to Ray who was upstairs in our room

When I opened it there was Alyssa and Gerard with Angela and baby Dominic.

" Alyssa." I say giving her a hug

" Here can you take Dominic ?" Alyssa asks after we let go

" Yea of course." I say as she hands me the baby

My breath caught as I held my baby nephew . I never grew tired at looking at his face. I hoped someday I'd be able to bring children into this world too.

I led them inside while still holding my nephew. As they got comfortable on the couch I handed Dominic back to Alyssa and went up to the room I shared with Ray.

The door was open and I could hear Ray's guitar from my place at the top of the stairs. When I was at the door I watched him play for a little bit. But I soon snapped out of my daze and knocked on the door.

He turns around and gives me a smile. I smile back and blush a little bit because he knew I had been watching him.

"Who was at the door?" He asks

He speaks with the same voice that calmed me two years and many months ago.

"Gerard and Alyssa are downstairs." I say

He puts his guitar on the stand, walks over to me and wraps his arm around my waist. We walk down the stairs together. When we get down more hellos are exchanged and we all sit down on the couch.

"Can I hold Angela?" I ask suddenly m

Alyssa nods and hands Angela to me. By looking at her you can already tell she'll look like Gerard. She has hazel eyes and black fuzz on top of her little head.

"She's so beautiful." I say

"Yes she is." Alyssa says while looking at Gerard

" What are you two hiding?" I ask

They exchanged one more glance and Alyssa takes a deep breath before revealing her secrets.

" Well... We're pregnant." Alyssa says

I jumped and screamed. Another niece or nephew for me to adore.

" Are you serious?" I ask

" Yes we are." Gerard says

I practically leapt over the coffee table and hug them both.

" I'm so happy for you guys. When did you find out?" I ask

"Just yesterday." Alyssa says

"This is wonderful. Just wait until Mikey and Frank get here." I say

As soon as I said that the doorbell rang. I ran over to it and opened it to reveal Frank , Mikey , and their wives. Oh yea I almost forgot not long after Gerard and Alyssa got married they were married and falling in love as well.

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