Fated Reunion (post ch 490)

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Zeref looked on in curiousity as the bruise on Mavis' face disappeared and reappeared once she discovered his prescence. To say he was surprised to see Mavis emerge from the steps alive and well was an understatement, but it didnt change his goal, just the way he would go about achieving it. Admittedly, it did make him wonder just how much of their shared curse had truly left her.

Perhaps he ought to figure it out for himself.

If she died, he'd still have fairy heart in his grasp, and if she lived, it would make things a bit more interesting. He just hoped she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Although if her spirit was any indication, he doubted that would be much of an issue, provided she survived his touch that is. 

Zeref looked of her petite form and smirked.  They certainly matched well enough didn't they?

Mavis looked as pure and innocent as he remembered, although, admittedly,  her movements were a bit more stiff. He supposed 100 years of "death" could do that to a creature.

If he were to place a wager, he would say she was severely weakened from her death like sleep, unable to react efficiently, and unpracticed in her magic. This would be a piece of cake.

Alone and helpless, Fairy Tail's first master was like a lamb up for slaughter, and he the wolf that would devour her. This was the showdown that was always meant to be, and if he were to be completely honest with himself, he did find the fierce look on her face to be quite lovely. It was time to test his theory, if she died, so be it, but if she lived, he figured he ought to have a little fun with her. It was times like these that he really enjoyed his simulation game.

Making his way towards her, Zeref stopped just mere centimeters from her breadth, tickling her skin with his curse. No effect.
"My dear Mavis..." he stated simply , "Have you grown?"

"Eh?" Perfect. With that he grabbed her shoulders and crushed her lips to his own, noting with some fascination that where he expected to find soft and delicate fabric was pure and unadulterated, naked flesh.

My goodness..

Time seems to freeze as he was momentarily transported back 100 years, where all was good, and he and Mavis were not enemies but dear, dear, friends. However this time...she didn't "die" from his affections. Wrapping one arm around her far too naked flesh, he almost considered ending his attack. Almost....

Seconds later, reality settled in as trembling hands pressed against his shoulders, and a shaking Mavis forced him away with all her might, a loud crack resonating from her bones.

He barely had time to open his eye when a dainty hand emerged in his peripheral vision, and he stumbled slightly, a stinging sensation on his cheek.

"How...dare...you.." She cried out brokenly, "How dare you toy with me!" golden light emanating from her body.

Looking up at an angered Mavis he smirked, a delicious sensation of triumph racing through his blood as two ferocious eyes looked back at him. One red, one green. The magic of Fairy Heart, the perfect mix of dark and white magic, or should he say, the perfect mix of his and her magic, the magic she had stolen from him that fateful day. That was why he had wanted her so badly, that was what would help him complete his goal.

Quickly dodging the attack, Zeref twitched as the light barely grazed his flesh, leaving a slight burning sensation where it had made contact. Surprised, yet energized, Zeref threw a disk of black magic towards her, noting with excitement as she blocked it with her magic simultaneously. She wasnt completely helpless, but that was fine. All the more fun for him as he fought her.

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