September 22nd

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Hello everyone. This is my first story on here, so I really hope you enjoy it(:


September 22nd, 2013

Dear You,

I am writing this letter to you because I've been going to the library every day recently and you're always there, sitting in the same spot. Always with a different book, but always with the same goal. To read in peace. And I just want to say that I think you're really pretty.

You're probably never going to read this, but I just need to get all my feelings out on paper before my head explodes or something. I'm too scared to talk to you because then you might think I'm weird, and then I would never be able to go back to the library again. But I really do think that you're pretty. Not just pretty, but beautiful. And I'm not just saying that.

You might be sitting there in the corner of the room, thinking no one's watching. But I still see you. I see the way you cover your mouth with your hand when there's a plot twist in your story. I see the way you sit on the edge of your seat and bite your fingernails. I see the way that you laugh when the author's being funny. I see the way you slam your book when something pisses you off. I see the way that you wipe your cheek when a story has just made you cry. And I think it's all beautiful. Especially the crying part, because then you look around to make sure no one saw you. But that's when I look down at my own book, which has been the same since I started coming here, because I never read anymore. I just sit and stare at you.

I'm not trying to be creepy. I'm not going to go over and proclaim my undying love for you. I have seen guys try and do that time and time again. I know you don't like being bothered when you're reading, just like I don't like being bothered when I'm sleeping.

My point being that you probably won't have to worry about me for much longer, if you even noticed me. Because once I get over this little crush I will probably move on with my life. That doesn't mean I won't drop by the library once in awhile, because I probably will, just for the hell of it. But you probably won't even notice my absence. And you'll probably still be sitting in your little corner in the fiction section.

I think probably is a very nice, in between word. It's not a guarantee like "promise", and it's not a negative word like "won't". So I will probably still go to see you even after I stop liking you like that.

But for now, I'll stick to sitting at the round table about thirty-five feet away from you in the other corner.


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