October 10th

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Sorry for the long wait! I'm trying extremely hard to balance my life out, with schoolwork and sports and everything else. Hope you guys like it(:


October 10th, 2013

Dear You,

Maybe bringing friends wasn't such a good idea. Firstly because my friends are lunatics, and within the first twenty minutes of sitting at a table "studying", they were threatened to be kicked out. Twice. They're all very noisy and rambunctious, throwing paper balls at trashcans and whatnot. I really hope you don't look up and think I'm anything like them. 

Secondly, they've seemed to have caught on. My best friend, Mike, nudged me and started teasing me when he caught me gazing your way. "Look at you, spying on the girl across the room," he said. And eventually, the others followed suit. Patrick told me to grow a pair and talk to you. I lied and said I tried. I didn't feel like having to explain the whole "creeper situation" to him. Jay wanted me to go over and "tap that ass". He can be a bit much sometimes. The only person who left me alone was Ashley. She thought it was adorable that I had a "tiny" crush on you. Oh, what little she knew.

Ashley's boyfriend came in a little after we actually started to study. I couldn't help but notice their couple-y interactions. She stood up and took in the sight of him like a child on Christmas morning, like she'd never get enough of him. The way she looked at him...it was a sight to see. In the near future, if I ever do go up and talk to you, I'd like you to look at me that way too.

You look extremely tired today. There are bags under your eyes that you've clearly tried to hide with makeup, but couldn't quite do the job. You're wearing jeans and a sweatshirt when you usually wear a nice dress or skirt. And your hair is in a messily tied bun on the top of your head.

I'd like to know what happened. You had a late night..couldn't sleep? An angry phonecall from your mother? Fight with a boyfriend? Maybe it's not so bad. Did you stay up late reading the last chapters of your book, hungrily turning the pages for more? Maybe you had a movie marathon with your closest friends. It is, after all, a Sunday. A Saturday night sleepover sounds like a girly thing to do.

Whatever made you so tired, I'm kind of glad it did. You don't seem to have noticed us, as you keep dozing off to sleep and waking up suddenly. Thank god you haven't seen me with these maniacs. Loving and caring maniacs, but maniacs nonetheless.

You're cute when you're asleep. You should fall asleep more often.

With great love,



I'm back! I don't know how long for, as the holidays are rolling around(: hopefully I can get in a few November chapters by then. Thanks for all your support, again(:

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