October 8th

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October 8th, 2013

Dear You,

I've decided that love isn't actually as complex as people think it is. I think it's the people that are complex. You see, it's the people that complicate things, not love itself. 

Ian talked to me again today. This time, he didn't say much. Just kind of stared at me writing my letters. After awhile he kind of gave me this look and said, "I can't quite figure you out." When I asked why, he asked what my deal was. He thinks I'm too difficult to read. I said I'm not that hard to read, at least to people that are like me. Needless to say, he is nothing like me. And I mean nothing at all.

He has straight, blonde hair (the 'Bieber-Do', if you will), and I have brown wavy hair.

He likes sports and plays soccer, I would rather read a book or do homework.

He has had many girlfriends, I have had zero.

I don't know why he's talking to me, I certainly don't look like the jock-type of guy he'd want to go get high with in the parking lot. At least I hope I don't look like it. Maybe because I am a totally pathetic nerdy boy who sits here almost every day. Maybe he's worried I'm actually a serial killer and you're my next target. But then again, I don't think he's smart enough to differentiate between normal people and a serial killer.

Miss Nancy walked over to you and asked you a question. You looked up from your book and flashed her a smile. "Of course I'll be there! You know I love the kids," you said happily. You love kids? That's cute. I don't love kids, but I can handle them to an extent. I'm assuming you're going to come here to read to some kids, because there's posters everywhere about a children's reading event this Saturday. 

I'll probably catch up on the homework I haven't been doing because I've been going to the library too much. Maybe I should just focus on doing homework at the library and being productive. But I'd probably just get distracted by your sparkling eyes or your nice shoes or something ridiculous like that.

I have a brilliant idea. I could bring some friends here for a study group. It's perfect, isn't it? I have people to both make me look like I'm not a loser and to help me do my homework.  Sure, my friends may not be the coolest people in the universe, but they aren't losers. They're not on the chess team and they don't have straight A's. They're people. Normal, C average people.

Next time, I'll invite them. I hope they don't figure out that I only keep going there because of you. 

With great love,



The reviews you guys keep giving me are so amazing! I never thought I'd get this many positive reviews. I'm glad you all like it(:

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