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She stared at the reflection before her. Long gone was the curly haired 3 year old who always loved to believe that she could do whatever she pleased. Now all she could see was a broken 16 year old with running eye makeup, bloodshot eyes that held a look of despair and desperation, and the rattiest hair a person who wasn't necessarily homeless could have. There was no hope and no gleam of innocence to be seen anywhere in the reflection. With a deep breath, she pulled out a small sandwich bag of white powder and dumped it on the table of the vanity mirror. Pulling a plastic card from her back pocket, she lined the powder up in three neat lines before quickly snorting it. The girl winced at the burn as the powder traveled up her nasal passages. She cleaned any left over trails of powder off her face before rejoining the party downstairs. A drink was passed to her and as quickly as it was passed, it was downed. Soon one drink became two, and two became four. As she was leaving a wave of dizziness hit the girl. Soon black spots hit her vision and she began to see all the things around her fade from her sight. The last thought she had was, Is this it? Will my misery finally come to its end?

"Why would you do this?" he cried.

"Because it means that you can stop pretending that you or anyone else actually gives a shit!"

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