Chapter 8~x

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Casual outfit above, what do you think? (It's for Shai)》

Shai's POV :


The best time of the day.

All the birds are awake singing there song, people drinking their tea, taking morning walks and simply just enjoying the simple things in life.

Which I absolutely adore.

I was making a simple breakfast for myself before heading off to work.

My simple breakfast usually consists of a smoothie of some sort to get me going, then some cereal and yogurt.

All organic of course.

I realize that Britain has a lot of nice farms to purchase fresh produce and although it's quite costly, it's worth all the money.

"Excuse me" my thoughts were interrupted by soft, unfamiliar voice.

It was an old woman.

"Sorry," I say kindly.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask kindly.

She eyes me up and down,

"I can trust you right "She whispers.

"Excuse me?" I ask, shocked.

She ignores me and keeps talking.

"You know Theodore right?" I nod my head, not sure where she's going with this.

"Well rumors were going around that he's secretly dating a mysterious woman. No one's knows who she is, but we all know she's ruining his relationship with Ruth." She

"Ruth is such a beautiful women, she doesn't deserve all this drama"

I suddenly feel sick.

I knew this was all wrong in the first place.

"See you dear," She waves as she walks away.

"Oh and if you see this 'mysterious' girl, tell her she should leave, she doesn't belong here"

That's all it takes for me to almost faint.

I smile at the old woman, who is now long gone.

I turn towards home and pick up my pace.

She's right.

I don't belong here.

I never did.


I crash into the one thing I didn't want to see right now.


I don't bother to even look at him.

I just push past him only to be grabbed by the wrist.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY?" I say, not meaning to shout at him.

I run home, not bothering to look back at him.

I couldn't bear to see his reaction, not after what that woman had told.

I open the door and collapse on the couch, bursting into tears.

Could this day get any worse?



《She was ruining one relationship,》
Could she ruin another?》

Until next time.

Xoxo ~

x~ Mr. Know-it-all ~x {A Sheo Story}Where stories live. Discover now