Roman Bürki// Love at first sight

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This one's for Carol_Buerki hope you'll like it♥

Roman Bürki-Love at first sight

It was hot sunny and special day in Dortmund. It was day of the match, Borussia Dortmund is playing against Bayer Leverkusen. You and your friend Camila just got in the car. She started the car and turned on the radio.

"Are you excited?"-she asked you

"Yes, I guess..."-you answered.-"Why are you taking me on this match? I don't even like them."

"Calm down Carol. When you see how handsome they are you will want this match to last forever."-she said and laughed.

And you just rolled your eyes and took deep breath. Football match is not actually your thing. You love to sit at home with some good book and hot chocolate next to you. But you are new in Dortmund and Camila took you to interesting even, well maybe not interesting to you.

"We are here!"-said Camila and parked the car.-"I will introduce you to my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?"-you asked all confused and got out. But you didn't see Camila anywhere.-"Camila! Where are you? This is not funny!"-you yelled but she didn't answer.

So you decided to go and find her. You walked in big building and turned around. Still you haven't seen her.

"Excuse me..."-you said to woman who was writing something.-"Did you see short girl? With brown hair?"-woman just shook her head.

Where are you Camila?, that thought rushed through your head. You walked towards some brown door. You were curious so you opened that door. In front of you was long white hall. You closed the door behind you and walked through this hall. On walls were hanged pictures with some of the most famous football players of all time. You looked at those pictures and wondered where are those players now.

"Can I help you?"-you heard voice. You turned to see who it was. It was tall boy with black hair and a beard. He looked pretty hot.

You just stared at him, not saying a word. It's like you didn't know what to say or you lost the power of speech. Just because of him.

"Are you okay?"-he asked, little bit worried.

"You're hot."-you just whispered staring in his eyes.


"Oh, i mean I am okay."-you said and blinked. Your cheeks turned bright red and you tried to act cool but with a boy like this it was pretty hard to act cool.-"M-my name is Carol."

"Roman. Nice to meet you."-he said with a smile and shook your hand. You were speechless, again.-"So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, just... looking for a friend. I mean, I came here with a friend but I lost her."

"You lost your friend?"-he asked and laughed.-"How could that be possible?"

"I-I don't know..."-you shrugged.-"With Camila everything is possible."

"Well I hope you will find your friend. And also, I hope I'll see you at the match."

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