Our little secret... or no? /Marko Rog/

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kilimylove khm, oprosti sto si ovako dugo cekala. Nadam se da se ne ljutis i naravno, nadam se da  ce ti se svidjeti pricica ☺

"Y/n, kuda ides?", upitala je mama upadajuci ti u sobu. Od straha si skocila s kreveta i uplaseno se okrenula prema njoj. "Ups, nisam te htjela uplasiti."

"Jednog dana ce mi srce otkazati zbog ovoga.", rekla si držeći ruku na srcu. "Pokucaj prije nego sto ulazis u sobu."

"Naravno duso. Nego, nisi mi odgovorila na pitanje. Kuda ides?"

"Kuda idem? Ovoga, idem s prijateljicom van.", slagala si i osmjehnula se, pokusavajuci uvjeriti mamu. Naravno da nije nasjela. Ipak, poznaje te bolje od ikoga. "Mama ne gledaj me tako. Neces saznati.", rekla si i prekrizila ruke na prsima. "Barem ne dok nisam sto posto sigurna."

"Znaci, decko je u pitanju?", upitala je i osmjehnula se.

"Ništa ne znam.", tvrdoglavo si odvratila.

"Ne znas da li je decko?", mama te zbunjeno pitala na sto si se ti namrstila i zakolutala ocima.

"Mama! Molim te.", uzdahnula si. "Izadji iz sobe. Moram se srediti."

"Znaci ipak je decko, ha?", pogledala si ju onim pogledom mama-dosta-je na sto je ona samo slegnula ramenima i sa ogromnim osmijehom na licu je izasla van, mrmljajuci nesto poput ah kako djeca brzo odrastaju. Odmahnula si glavom te zatvorila vrata.

"Vrijeme je da se sredim.", rekla si dok si otvarala ormar i razmisljala sto ces obuci.


'U svlacioni sam. Dodji ;)'

Brzim koracima jurila si do svlacione nogometnog kluba dinamo. Vec dva mjeseca si u vezi s Markom Rogom i tu vezu odlicno cuvate i ti i on. Cula si glasove koji su dopirali iz hodnika, stoga si se sakrila u mali sporedni hodnicic i cekala da njegovi prijatelji iz kluba prodju. Kada su prosli, brzim koracima si se nastavila kretati prema svlacioni. Uletjela si unutra i zatvorila vrata za sobom. Marko je stajao ispred tebe, u rukama drzeci majicu. Zacrvenila si se i dlanovima prekrila oci.

"Uhm, oprosti", promrmljala si pomalo posramljeno. Marko se nasmijao te navukao majicu na sebe.

"Mozes sada maknuti ruke s ociju" zahihotao se i u par koraka se nasao ispred tebe. "Iako, nisi ni trebala skrivati pogled."

Tisina je zavladala na nekoliko trenutaka. Gledali ste se u oci i smjeskali jedno drugome. On se nagnuo prema tebi i pogledao u tvoje usne, a zatim ponovno u oci. Ubrzo nakon toga njezno te poljubio, a ti si mu uzvratila.

"Siguran sam da sam osta----" Pjaca je uletio u svlacionu, no ubrzo je zasutio kada je ugledao tebe i Marka kako se ljubite. Oboje ste se odmaknuli jedno od drugoga i pogledali u Pjacu i Corica koji je stajao do njega. "Uhm, oprostite?"

"Sto trebate vas dvojica?!" Marko je bio ljut na Pjacu i Corica koji su prekinuli vas savrsen trenutak.

"Uh, ovaj, kljuceve od auta..." Pjaca je nervozno rekao i pocesao se po vratu.

"Na radijatoru su..." Marko je odvratio, i dalje hladnim glasom, a zatim mu je dodao kljuceve od auta i bijesnim ga pogledom prostrijelio. Pjaca je tiho izustio jedno hvala prije nego sto su on i Coric izasli van.

Marko je uzdahnuo i pogledao u tebe. "Zao mi je..."

"Oh... ma, nema veze." tiho si rekla i slegnula ramenima.

"Ti znas da ce sada svi saznati sto se dogodilo ovdje?" upitao je dok ti se priblizavao. Ponovno si slegnula ramenima. "Nasa mala tajna vise nece biti tajna."

Nasmijesila si se i povukla ga u zagrljaj. "Mislim da sam totalno okej s tim."


"Y/n, where are you going?", your mother asked entering your room. Her sudden voice scared you, so you literally jumped out of the bed and turned to her. "Oops, I didn't want to scare you."

"One day I might just get a heart attack because of this." you said, holding your hand on the place where your heart is. "Knock before you're entering the room."

"Of course, honey. Anyway, you didn't answer my question. Where are you going?"

"Where am I going? Uh... I'm going out with my friend." you managed to come up with a lie and you smiled at her, trying to convince her. Of course she didn't believe you. She knows you better than anyone else does. "Mom, don't look at me like that. You'll never find out." you said crossing hands on your chest. "Well, at least not until I'm 100% sure."

"So, it's about a boy?" she asked and softly smiled at you.

"I don't know anything." you replied stubbornly.

"You don't know is it a boy?" she asked confused and you furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes.

"Mom! Please!" you inhaled. "Get out. I have to prepare."

"So, it is a boy?" you glanced at her with that mom-it's-enough look on which she just shrugged and walked out with a huge smile on her face, muttering something like kids are growing up so fast. You shook your head and closed the door.

"It's time to prepare." you said out loud while opening the closet and thinking about what to wear.


'i'm in the dressing room. Come ;)'

You were rushing to the dressing room of the football club Dinamo. You're already two months in a relationship with Marko Rog and you're both successfully keeping that relationship as a secret. You heard voices that were coming down the hall, so you hid into another, smaller hall and waited for his teammates to pass you by. When they passed by you, you continued to rush to the dressing room. You entered and closed the door before turning around. Marko was standing in front of you, holding shirt in his hands. You blushed and covered your eyes with your palms.

"Uhm, sorry" you muttered kinda shyly. Marko laughed and put shirt on him.

"You can remove your hands from over your eyes now" he giggled and in a few steps he appeared in front of you. "Although you didn't need to hide your look."

You were staring at each others eyes, smiling softly at one another. He leaned in and glanced at your lips, and then in your eyes again. Soon after he gently kissed you and you kissed him back.

"I'm sure I le----" Pjaca entered the dressing room, but he quickly zipped his mouth when he saw you and Marko kissing. You both stepped back from one another and looked at Pjaca and Coric who was standing next to him. "Uhm, excuse me?"

"What do you need?!" Marko was mad on Pjaca and Coric who interrupted your perfect moment.

"Uh, uhm, car keys..." Pjaca said nervously and scratched his neck.

"They're on the radiator.." Marko replied coldly and then handed him car keys and gave him a deadly glare. Pjaca quietly said thank you before he and Coric walked out.

Marko sighed and looked at you. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh... doesn't matter." you said quietly and shrugged.

"You know that now everyone is going to find out about what happened here?" he asked as he was approaching you. You shrugged again. "Our little secret won't be a secret anymore

"You smiled and pulled him in a hug. "I think I'm completely okay with that."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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