Step 4: To Gain Muscle

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If you were not already wondering in the first part of 4, your probably wondering now... Where do vegans get protein from?

Protein, carbs and fat are in every whole food we eat. Just because a banana is known as a carb doesn't mean it doesn't have fat or protein (amino acids) in it. Foods are labeled carb, fat, protein based on the highest macro. For instance let's look at the banana closer:
1 banana 7"-7/8" long
Protein: 1.29g
Fat: 0.39g
Carb: 23.9g

A banana does have protein and fat even though it has more carbs. Now you might be thinking... Buts it's only 1.29g of protein I need like 50+g a day. Well you could eat 36+ bananas like Freelee the banana girl:

But realistically you won't want to eat 36+ bananas a day to meet your protein requirements. Instead eat all the plants you want, all plants have protein (amino acids that turn into protein by your body).

To get enough protein you just need to eat enough 2000+ calories. It's impossible to be low in protein if you are eating enough calories from whole foods (or at least less processed foods like pasta, tofu, tempeh). Pasta, rice, beans, nuts, seeds and potatoes are some of the easiest foods to get protein from because they have more then other fruits & veggies.

 Pasta, rice, beans, nuts, seeds and potatoes are some of the easiest foods to get protein from because they have more then other fruits & veggies

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Here's the foods Jon Venus (body builder) eats with his wife to get all the protein they need:

These vegan body builders have no issues with getting enough protein:

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