Education: Freerange

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When most people hear free range they think of:

When most people hear free range they think of:

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The reality is that this is only 1- 5% of farms world wide

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The reality is that this is only 1- 5% of farms world wide. The other 95% come from free range facilities looking like this:

Earth doesn't have enough land to raise all animals free range, it's unsustainable

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Earth doesn't have enough land to raise all animals free range, it's unsustainable.

And even if animals are raised free range the reality is there is still murder at the end of their life

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And even if animals are raised free range the reality is there is still murder at the end of their life.

Male chicks will still be murdered by the egg industry for not producing enough meat and eggs.

Baby male calves will still be taken away from their mothers and murdered for veal or shot in the head right away and disposed of as waste.

Free range is just a term used to make the buyer feel better. So what if an animal is given a 'better' life before being killed? If serial killers gave their victims better lives before killing them... Would that make it okay? That being still wanted to live, that being was still exploited, that being wasn't really free.

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