Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I wouldn't have realized I got more votes, reads, and comments than I would have realized overall. Thnx for all of this. Oh and btw. Since i did not edit. That's because I wrote this ahead of time. So sorry for any mistakes and grammar mistakes.


Chapter 3
Noah's POV

After what Lily had asked me, I couldn't stop smiling. I don't know why. Maybe the fact I think I made a friend and it was a girl. Actually THE girl that saved my butt this morning. I went to my locker to get my lunch, then I headed to the cafeteria. I entered the cafeteria and tried to find Lily. I searched the whole room. My glasses was slipping off my face, so I had to push up my glasses. I was still astonished about Lily's offer. I thought I waited for now for Lily to come. Its easier and less complex.......

Lily's POV

I finally got through traffic jam in the hallway into the lunch room. I couldn't get Noah out of my head. Something about that kid made me curious that he wasn't like other people. However, how would I know that. I'm not some kinda psychic or something, but oh well.

I got my lunch then headed to where I normally sat at. I had my friends by my side. We all sat down. Except I didn't. I told my friends that I would find Noah to come over here. They tried to second thought my decision, but I just left to find Noah. Luckily he wasn't that far. Just like two or three tables from where my friends and I sat at. I went up to him. He looked at me.

"Hey," I slowly started to say. I awkwardly sat down. I didn't know why, but I did. "Are you gonna come have lunch with me?" Noah looked stunned about what I just said. I guess he forgot about it.... Though he did got up. He gave a sly smile. All the awkwardness that showed made it hard to start a conversation.

We both went to where my friends were. Thankfully Jake, Zander, and Tyler weren't there at the moment. I introduced Noah to my friends. That's when I felt cold stares from people from the tables near us. Being me, I ignored the stares. Though the stares felt like they were trying to tell my something. I didn't bother to wonder why.

It already has been ten minutes. Everything has been okay.... Well ..... that's until I felt cold water pour all over my head. The transparent liquid that ran down my arms made the anger inside of me that was inside of me since this morning boil. The anger was ready to irrupt. I stood up really quick which made my chair fall to the ground and make a really loud thud. The whole room got quiet. I turned around to the one person I despise the most. The one person that made my life a bit miserable in high school. GiGi Gallagher. (G. G.... get like GiGi... oh whatever moving on) GiGi was the reason drama ever happened. Id explain, but I kinda have something to deal with. So anyways.

"Oops... my bad...." GigGi said sarcastically, "Wait a second.... how could I be sorry for a loser like you? Especially since you decided to invite a nerd to our side......" A lot of people let out a "Ooh!" my friends and Noah stayed silent. She went over to Noah and dumped her orange juice all over him. Noah was defeated by the witch that everyone seemed to obey besides myself. Noah looked like he was ready to sprint out of this scene. However stayed where he was. The crowd let an even bigger "ooh"."

"Really funny, GiGi," I began my remark. "At least I'm not the pink wearing diva that waste her lunch." The cafeteria let out a gasp and snickered. I wasn't sure if I made things worse, 'cause right now everyone were mice. No sudden move or noise.

I thought everything was just a horrid dream. Except one thing. It wasn't a nightmare.......


Sorry it's short. I did my best.

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I'll update I promise. :)


P.S. I was thinking of signing off since a lot of people did. I dont know Im weird. Trust me ahaha (^.^)

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