Chapter 32

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Noah's POV

My eyes blinked open. I looked down and saw Lily's head on my bare chest. Our legs tangles with each other. Her one hand intertwined with mine. Her other hand comforting her head on my chest. The covers cover us both until where About where Lily's shoulders. My one leg stuck out as did hers. Naturally the cover was for a twin bed and we're in a queen slowly grabbed my phone off the counter and checked the time. It was just 10 o'clock on a Saturday. I totally forgot about everything that happened the previous night and didn't let it flood my mind.

Suddenly I felt Lily's head shift a bit. Her eyes fluttered open revealing her gorgeous sparkling blue eyes. She lifted her head up a bit and used her one hand to support her.

"Good morning, beautiful," I told her.

"Good morning to you too, asshole," She gave a warm smile.

"Why do I have to have the insulting nickname?" I let a small laugh.

"I don't know," Lily responded. She giggled for a second and made a really weird face resulting us both to laugh.

We talked for a few minutes then....BAM! Lily's bedroom door swung open. Three young boys rush in. Running in circles jumping up and down. Screaming at the top of their lungs. They stopped in their tracks and look at us without realizing what was in front of them. They screamed, "Breakfast is ready! Breakfast is ready! C'mon!!! Get up!!!"

They came closer to the bed and were ready to scream, but suddenly Andrew and Dante's eyes went wide. They looked at Nick and covered his eyes. Lily and I just stared at them with the same expression.

Lily's dad was all smiling and singing who knows what. He turned and saw the boys and said good morning to them. He turned to us and with an open mouth and wide eyes, he just stood there. We just stared at him, not moving a single limb.

"Um...boys please come with me and finish up with setting the table," their dad said awkwardly.

His face was bright red and awkwardly walked backwards and slowly closed the door.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Do I know? No. Not at all," she responded.

"C'mon and let's get dressed before we get into more trouble. By the looks of it, I think your dad might kill me.....," I admitted.

Lily started laughing and gave me a gentle kiss.




We walked downstairs slowly and into the kitchen. The rest of her family looked at us not saying a word.

"So, guys how's it going," their dad tried to make small talk.

"Fiiiiiiiiine," Lily answered awkwardly as she sat down beside me.

"How was the dance?" he wondered.

Lily and I both remembered what happened now, and looked at each other.

"It was fine," we said in unison.

"Noah," Nick pulled at my shirt to get my attention.

"Yeah, little man," I responded to him.

He stood on his tippy toes and whispered into my ear, "Why were you and Lily in bed like that earlier?"

I could feel my face get hot. I looked at the little guy. His adorableness kinda killed it for me.

"I-I-I," I turned to Lily and told her what Nick said.

"Uuum guys, do you wanna go to the park later?" Lily said before Nick could ask another question.

"No. Dante and I are going to our friend's birthday party today," Drew replied.

"Can I?" Nick raced to Lily's side.

"Of course," Lily said.

"Thank you," I mouthed the words to Lily.

"They're little what did you expect them to ask or say?" Lily confessed.


At the Park


"Lily?" Nick said.

"Yeah, Nick," Lily responded.

"Could we go to the swing set?" Nick asked.

"Sure, buddy," Lily smiled.

So with that, the three of us raced off to the swing set.

Nick was fast, but I was faster. I caught up with him, and swooped him up in my arms and over my shoulder and sprinted toward the swings.

Lily's POV

I watched as Noah swooped Nick into his arm and over his shoulder. I smiled. Capturing the moment while it lasted.

Suddenly I gotten a text from an unknown number.'s GiGi

Oh you've got to be kidding me.

Look I know this is out of the blue, but we really need to talk. me at the bench near the swing set at the park....

"Noah, can you come with me?" I asked him.

"We can't leave Nick here," Noah reminded.

"Oh it's fine. I see Greg coming. I'll be fine," his sweet face lit up.

"You sure?" I made sure. Nick nodded. I nodded back, so then Noah and I went over to where GiGi was.

"Hi," I said.

GiGi looked up. Her face was really pale. She had dark circles. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her hands were trembling too much.

"Are you hungry? I have a granola bar in my pocket," I offered.

"It's fine. I ate already. I'm just really tired," she replied.

" what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"About last night. About Michael. About you. About Noah. About everything," GiGi hesitating every so often.

Nick approached us and said, "Greg invited me to come play at his house. His mom is taking us there. Is that okay?"

"I'll just tell dad to pick you up at Greg's house. Okay?" I confirmed.

"Sure. Okay. Bye Lily," he then gave my a hug. "Bye Noah." Gave Noah a hug. He turned to GiGi. "Bye GiGi. I hope you feel better." With that he hugged her tightly.

GiGi smiled. For once she smiled, however not in a nasty way. However a good, happy way.

"Bye," GiGi said back.

We waved my brother goodbye and everything got serious once again.

"We need to discuss this somewhere else," Noah admitted.

"He's right," I agreed.

The three of us were at the cafe in town. We had a cup of hot chocolate, although it was hot outside, with warm chocolate chip cookies and warm snicker doodles.

"Please explain what happened. What did Michael mean by that you deserved it. And that it wasn't a big deal. And that he hurt you," GiGi was basically hyperventilating.

"This going to take a while," I sighed.

I took a deep breath knowing this was going to take a very long time......

To Be Continued


A/N: dedicated to two people

I was supposed to do this yesterday for Luke Hemmings' Birthday. HES EIGHTEEN!!

but this is dedicated to him.

Not only him, but to @gumdrop2401 thank you for reading and loving the story and commenting I appreciate it a lot XD hope you like this chapter as well (i was not asked to do the next following statement) you guys should follow em because everyone deserves to smile

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