Chapter 31

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Play the song when I say

Elvis Presley-I Cant Help Falling In Love With You


Lily's POV
"Why did you go off? You were gone for like thirty minutes!" Talia exclaimed.

"It'''s nothing," I sighed. Talia eyed me and let out a bigger sigh. What's with sighs lately?

"Did you see Noah?" Oliver blabs. Chrissy eyes went big like a full moon. Chrissy nudged him and made him shut up before he could say anything worse.

"Oliver please shut up," Chrissy pleaded.

"'s okay. And yeah I did..." I answered.

"Oh okay," Oliver whispered.

"Did you talk to him?" Chrissy barely even gave a whisper.

"Yeah..." I felt all these eyes staring at me.

"What did he say," I hear Katy's voice come in.

"He just said hi that's pretty much it," I lied.

"Okay..." Katy replied.

Later On

So many songs by 5SOS, One Direction, All Time Low, Paramore, Mayday Parade, Demi Lovato, Zedd, Ellie Goulding, Avril Lavigne, Maroon 5, etc. were played during the period of the dance. We danced our asses off while we could. The food was actually pretty good. No one complained at least not until I ran into her......

"What the frigging hell?! Watch where you are going bitch!" GiGi exclaimed.

I didn't mean to. I just went back with Chrissy back to the table and I bumped into GiGi by accident. She didn't have to a bitch about it!

"What's the matter babe?" Michael came up to GiGi and wrapped his arm around her waist kissing her temple.

"This bitch is in my way!" GiGi puts her hands up.

"Why do you gotta be in the way!" Michael exclaimed.

"Why do you gotta be such an asshole!" Chrissy almost lunged at Michael.

I held her back before she did anything pretty stupid.

"Whatcha going to do little lady?" Michael taunted.

"Imma mess you up is what Imma do!" Chrissy threatened.

"This is absolutely adorable!" Michael said sarcastically. You could tell there was so much sarcasm that it showed off a lot.

"Chrissy let's go," I whispered.

"No. I'm done with this guy. I don't care if he 'changed' or if he's with GiGi, he hurt you before and I'm going to hurt him now!" Chrissy answered.

And when she means "he hurt me" She doesn't mean like harsh break up and that's it. Well it was a harsh break-up but something even worse.

"This is not your fight," I warned her.

"I don't care!" that was it. Chrissy went up to him and slapped him across the face. "That's for hurting me!" She slapped him again. "That's for hurting Lily!" and did once again. "And that's for doing what you did to Lily!"

Michael stepped back. GiGi stood there back in shock. Michael smirked and said, "Isn't that cute? You thought that hurt. And for one thing Lily deserved it!"

Chrissy was pissed and tried lunging for him, but thank god Oliver came in time to help me before Chrissy hurting Michael.

"Christine don't do this," Oliver said. "This is not your fight."

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